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Messages - RoughLandings

Plan-G / Re: Internet Explorer Script Error
November 29, 2009, 04:34:27 PM
Just an update here. I haven't had any script error problems with iteration 0.8.1. That is even with almost all the display options turned on.
Plan-G / Re: Internet Explorer Script Error
November 16, 2009, 01:06:25 AM
Here is the portion of the log from running Plan-G the first time after installing and compiling the database.

I uninstalled it again this afternoon and reinstalled it. This time I checked what display options were set for the map before shutting Plan-G down and after compiling the database. To my surprise all but one box was checked. This is something I had not previously checked for. Is it possible that this is something saved somewhere else even though I had deleted the old version before installing the new? Anyway, I hit the reset all button, shut p.g. down then restarted it. This time it loaded fully without any error appearing. However I have yet to attempt it with FS running. If I have time I will try later tonight.

Quote10:57:17 AM PlanG constructor
10:57:20 AM Starting Plan-G, build
10:57:20 AM FS9 is installed
10:57:20 AM FSX is installed
10:57:20 AM FSX database is built
10:57:20 AM Selected data set is FSX
10:57:25 AM Starting map
10:57:25 AM Initialisation complete.
10:57:41 AM Exception plotting NDBs: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80020101): Exception from HRESULT: 0x80020101
   at MS.Win32.UnsafeNativeMethods.IDispatch.Invoke(Int32 dispIdMember, Guid& riid, Int32 lcid, Int32 dwFlags, tagDISPPARAMS pDispParams, Object[] pVarResult, tagEXCEPINFO pExcepInfo, IntPtr[] pArgErr)
   at System.Windows.Controls.WebBrowser.InvokeScript(String scriptName, Object[] args)
   at Plan_G.MapHandler.PlotNDBs(Double north, Double south, Double east, Double west)
   at Plan_G.MapHandler.PlotOverlayElements(Double north, Double south, Double east, Double west, Double centreLat, Double centreLng, Single zoom)
10:57:41 AM Exception plotting airspace: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80020101): Exception from HRESULT: 0x80020101
   at MS.Win32.UnsafeNativeMethods.IDispatch.Invoke(Int32 dispIdMember, Guid& riid, Int32 lcid, Int32 dwFlags, tagDISPPARAMS pDispParams, Object[] pVarResult, tagEXCEPINFO pExcepInfo, IntPtr[] pArgErr)
   at System.Windows.Controls.WebBrowser.InvokeScript(String scriptName, Object[] args)
   at Plan_G.MapHandler.PlotVORs(Double north, Double south, Double east, Double west)
   at Plan_G.MapHandler.PlotOverlayElements(Double north, Double south, Double east, Double west, Double centreLat, Double centreLng, Single zoom)
11:11:27 AM PlanG constructor
11:11:29 AM Starting Plan-G, build
11:11:29 AM FS9 is installed
11:11:29 AM FSX is installed
11:11:29 AM FSX database is built
11:11:29 AM Selected data set is FSX
11:11:33 AM Starting map
11:11:33 AM Initialisation complete.
11:14:32 AM PlanG constructor
11:14:33 AM Starting Plan-G, build
11:14:33 AM FS9 is installed
11:14:33 AM FSX is installed
11:14:33 AM FSX database is built
11:14:33 AM Selected data set is FSX
11:14:38 AM Starting map
11:14:38 AM Initialisation complete.
11:14:49 AM Exception plotting airspace: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80020101): Exception from HRESULT: 0x80020101
   at MS.Win32.UnsafeNativeMethods.IDispatch.Invoke(Int32 dispIdMember, Guid& riid, Int32 lcid, Int32 dwFlags, tagDISPPARAMS pDispParams, Object[] pVarResult, tagEXCEPINFO pExcepInfo, IntPtr[] pArgErr)
   at System.Windows.Controls.WebBrowser.InvokeScript(String scriptName, Object[] args)
   at Plan_G.MapHandler.PlotAirspace(Double north, Double south, Double east, Double west)
   at Plan_G.MapHandler.PlotOverlayElements(Double north, Double south, Double east, Double west, Double centreLat, Double centreLng, Single zoom)
11:14:49 AM Exception plotting NDBs: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80020101): Exception from HRESULT: 0x80020101
   at MS.Win32.UnsafeNativeMethods.IDispatch.Invoke(Int32 dispIdMember, Guid& riid, Int32 lcid, Int32 dwFlags, tagDISPPARAMS pDispParams, Object[] pVarResult, tagEXCEPINFO pExcepInfo, IntPtr[] pArgErr)
   at System.Windows.Controls.WebBrowser.InvokeScript(String scriptName, Object[] args)
   at Plan_G.MapHandler.PlotNDBs(Double north, Double south, Double east, Double west)
   at Plan_G.MapHandler.PlotOverlayElements(Double north, Double south, Double east, Double west, Double centreLat, Double centreLng, Single zoom)
11:14:50 AM Exception plotting airspace: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80020101): Exception from HRESULT: 0x80020101
   at MS.Win32.UnsafeNativeMethods.IDispatch.Invoke(Int32 dispIdMember, Guid& riid, Int32 lcid, Int32 dwFlags, tagDISPPARAMS pDispParams, Object[] pVarResult, tagEXCEPINFO pExcepInfo, IntPtr[] pArgErr)
   at System.Windows.Controls.WebBrowser.InvokeScript(String scriptName, Object[] args)
   at Plan_G.MapHandler.PlotVORs(Double north, Double south, Double east, Double west)
   at Plan_G.MapHandler.PlotOverlayElements(Double north, Double south, Double east, Double west, Double centreLat, Double centreLng, Single zoom)
Plan-G / Internet Explorer Script Error
November 15, 2009, 07:09:22 PM
I too am experiencing this error. However it is occurring the first time I run the program after compiling the data base (FSX). Plan-G locks up before it completes loading, thus I am unable to change any settings to try to reduce the strain on the system. I am running on Vista 64 with 4gb of ram.