
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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Messages - Opiate364

Plan-G / Re: No ILS data collected by Plan-G
February 25, 2010, 04:49:53 PM
Time Arnot:

You are correct.  After looking at the log file created during the database rebuild, I found there was a .bgl file in my Addon Scenery folder that had an error.  After deleting this file, all the ILS feathers and information were displayed.  I was just surprised that one bad file could corrupt all the data for everywhere else.  Perhaps you could put in the FAQ on this forum for this problem because I could see others having this problem due to the thousands of freeware files on the internet.  Or if I have permission, I could put a post in that thread.

By the way, this is a  great addon to FS9/FSX and I have had a lot of fun using it.  For some reason, you can access ILS frequencies in the FSX GPS, but not their course information.  Now I don't have to stop flying and access the map in FSX.
Plan-G / Re: No ILS data collected by Plan-G
February 24, 2010, 05:41:29 PM
I also have a problem with viewing ILS feathers at most airports.  After looking at the Plan G Database File, I found most entries empty in the last 4 fields under the VORsX table to be empty.  The few places where there was information, for instance ICAO CBRV there is data and plan G displays it properly on the map.  It seems the database download for ILS is incomplete(for me at least).  I am running the lastest version and have properly built the FSX database. 
After about one minute, I went back to the manual and saw that you could either put the IP address OR the network name under the FSX connection block, and I instantly connected.  I guess I will need to work on my reading comprehension.

On a side note, I know that there are some USAF aircrews that use an extra laptop with a portable GPS antenna when they fly cargo missions.  They use it for extra tracking of their flight and it uses a program that is similiar to Plan G.  They obviously don't use to actually navigate but it is a cool little thing.  Flying in FSX, I always like to have an extra "moving map" so thanks.
I am currently having trouble with Plan G finding FSX on a network computer.  I have followed the instructions in the manual but still cannot get it to work using IPv4 connection.  This may be hard to find out what I messed up so I will tell you what I did with the hope someone can tell me what I did wrong.

1.  I set up a Simconnect.xml file for IPv4  in the same folder as my fsx.cfg(in application data)by copying and pasting:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
<SimBase.Document Type="SimConnect" version="1,0">

I then changed  the IP address  in both parts(I realize there were two sets of code there, one for automatic and one for IPv4) to my IP address which was  I then went back to Plan G on the other computer and setup the FS connection with the following settings:
Network Mode: IPv4
FSX computer:
Server Port/Pipe: 4506

When I go to connect, I get a timeout and a note telling me to check that FSX was running(it was) and to make sure my protocol settings were correct.  So can anyone help?