
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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Messages - defreitj

Plan-G / Re: Setting Active Leg
September 21, 2013, 06:25:35 PM
I right-clicked everywhere, but I will focus on the "leg" in the plan window, specifically.
Thanks for the quick response! I appreciate it...jd
Plan-G / Setting Active Leg
September 20, 2013, 07:09:54 PM
The manual reads, as follows:

14.3 Right-Click Options in the 'Plan' Window
As well as adding new waypoints to Plan table, there are a number of other options for modifying your plan.
14.3.1 Set This as the Active Leg
Clicking this option sets the 'active' leg for calculating time & distance to next waypoint. It is only useful if connected to FS and where you may have opened a flight plan part way through a flight. Setting a new active leg allows you to "pick up" the leg in the flight on the flight plan which your aircraft is currently flying. Put another way, (and it is not exact of course) it "sort of" synchronises your flight to the plan. It can also be useful if
The pilot misses a waypoint completely, and wants to tell Plan‐G to forget pointing to the last waypoint, but to now help get to the next one, or
The flight plan has been changed mid‐flight, or
The leg sequencing goes awry in Plan‐G for some reason

The Options element "Set this leg as active" or something to that effect, is not part of the list of options, when right-clicking on the Plan-G interface, when in "Plan" view; i.e. with the Flight plan window open, waypoints visible. I saw it once, only. During a flight the GPS info in FSX reverted to the first two legs of the trip, CYYZ > YYZ en route to KATL (Atlanta) with the next waypoint being BROKK. I am unable to invoke "Active leg" and the flight plan under GPS turns the plane back to CYYZ, and starts over the route.

Obviously I am doing something wrong. Any suggestions, please.
Plan-G / Re: Home Tab > Flight Plan
August 17, 2013, 03:49:16 PM
AI traffic detals baloon resolved!
Plan-G / Re: Home Tab > Flight Plan
August 14, 2013, 06:49:05 PM
Hello Tim,
Thanks again! I figured it out. Those values are for Piston Performance engines and will show up if I am flying the smaller aircrafts. (I think) Sorry for the bother.
Plan-G / Re: Home Tab > Flight Plan
August 14, 2013, 06:05:34 PM
Thank you, Tim,
I know that you have a very busy schedule and since I use Plan-G with the 747-400, only, I can be a bother. I now know clearly that Plan-G was designed for IFR but it works quite well with my "needs".

I have inserted the values from testing multiple take-offs but those values do not show up.
I do not need them but I thought if they are supposed to show up then I am doing something wrong and would like to understand how to fix it. I am still amazed at all the stuff I can do with it.

As a side note, previous installs allowed me to see the AI traffic details in a baloon when the cursor was hovered over the planes; that no longer happens since my most recent re-install - Aug 13/13

I have read the manual in its entirety several times but my reading does not necessarily support my comprehension.
When you have some time and if there is a resolution, I would appreciate your expert input.
Thank you
Plan-G / Re: Newbe here to Plan-G
August 13, 2013, 04:03:29 AM
Quote from: Captn Don on April 25, 2013, 02:34:51 PM
For weeks I have been looking for a good flight plan program and by chance stumbled onto Plan-G. I have been reading posts and looking around on the forums and have some of my questions already answered but have a few I haven't found yet - I have not downloaded Plan-G yet which is why I am asking to be sure I know what I am doing before I start which is really the question  :)

First, what all do I need to do? What do I really need to download and why? EXAMPLE, I read about XPUIPC. Do I need to download that and why? Okay, once I've downloaded all I need, what do I do with it to get it to work? (maybe there is a manual I should read before I start; if there is, I haven't found it yet and I will keep looking.) Finally, does Plan-G integrate with the on-board FMC or FMS? How about Javier Cortés' UFMC?

Thanks, sorry for my stupidity but being a newbe here I guess it is to be expected somewhat.

Thanks, Don

Hi Don,
Install Plan-G to the root. (C:\>) Most definitely you do not need FSUIPC "free"  or a registered copy. Use the SimConnect connection which IS faster. Edit the XML file carefully. Use the port #4506. Make sure you input your ip address carefully. Use " local Host"  if you are running Plan-G and FSX on the same machine. Otherwise, if running over a home network, make sure that you specify the ip address of the machine that is FSX. In Plan-G, specify the ip address of the FSX machine in the " Options"  " FS Connection" Select SimConnect and IPver4. Input the ip address of the machine which runs FSX, here. Also, input port #4506. Verify all parameters, then cold boot both machines and enjoy Plan-G. If you are running server 2003 or other, remember to share the appropriate folders and have full control permissions at the root of the machines. You've never seen anything like it and maybe not for another twenty years! Read the Plan-G manual, first. From beginning to the end. There are 128 pages. (I read it several times already) By the time you are done you will be helping others who overlook the necessity to read completely and appreciate the beauty and complexity of this software. (Oh, I forgot; I "killed" 300 people and my co-pilot today because I could not get VFR /GPS sorted, out-my first attempt) You will enjoy the program. Run it with FSPassengerX!
Plan-G / Home Tab > Flight Plan
August 13, 2013, 12:08:35 AM
Below the horizontal scroll bar in the Flight Plan dialog box, there are parameters such as climb rate and others which do not populate. What am I missing?
I have scoured 77 pages from 2009 until present and cannot find an answer with the exception of one that was close. No cigar. Do these values dynamically update or are they static entries made in the aircraft profile?
Either way, I have )'s there, please tell me how to configure for appropriate values.

I am no expert here. However, I have seen a similar situation in which the build freezes. My resolution was to run a disk clean-up, (if this is on a Windows sysyem, ignore any prompts to insert any CD to replace "unrecognised files", then, run disk defragmentation. Check the remaining free space on that drive with Plan-G installation and verify that there is more than 10% of drive space free. Do a cold start, and retry the build, which in my case was successful.....jd
Plan-G / Re: Example Plan
July 31, 2013, 04:37:30 PM

This request may not be applicable to this forum since it is more related to FSX behavioural functionality, however, it is the only place from which I have been able to obtain accurate responses.
My immediate challenge is to land and retain nose gear functionality. There are two (2) issues related to each other. (I think)

1. On takeoff, the flaps are always damaged resulting in an approach/land failure.

Q, Are the flaps values failure tied to the A/T set speed (set at 230 kts) or to the joystick thrust, which I have read must be 100%, but the %age rises beyond 102% - maybe 105%; and, I raise them from 10 to 0 even before the KIAS ribbon is reading 230 kts. I hear this "rattle, stagger, stagger, rattle" and the co-pilot sits there and criticises that "There might be no flaps left....."

2. On final, the GPWS insists on reporting:
(a) "Too low, Flaps" at 160 kts, KIAS ribbon, reducing from 170 kts, KIAS ribbon. I apply these values based on Werner Schott's checklist.
(b) From the co-pilot's "Oh God, weeeezzze gonna hit the ground"!!! Poor fellow, I have killed him so many times I would like, really, to take him home to his family in one piece, soon.

Q. What is the set landing speed on this 747-400 Livery beauty; and, why does the AP, which is invoked correctly, I presume, fail to manage both; the descent rate fpm and the N1 thrust, to obtain a smoother landing experience. Also, should the "diamond" be centered, in rhe PFD, with the center bar in the altitude ribbon of the glidescope or, should the APP button be depressed when the "tip" of the "diamond" touches the center bar.

I have set the Gear Entension limitation in Plan-G, to 180 kts, however, it failed to deploy correctly at 180 kts on approach even though FSX has it rated for 188 kts. I initiated a "missed approach" and tried the CTRL+G, for manual deployment. Needless to say, the "grim reaper" returned with a vengeance.

So, should I be more concerned with th Ground Speed values for TO/Landing as opposed to those set in A/T IAS/MACH, for a better flight experience?
Should I use the TO/GA capability for Take Off?

Finally, FSPaX is unrelenting in that it shows log values beyond what I think I am applying in both TO and LANDing and I am going broke with repair assessments!
With absolute fairness and appreciation to FSPaX, it has  improved, certainly, my thinking and approach to "realistic FSX flight" since I have taken this aircraft everywhere and on every continent, with success. (It does go to one's head, does it not, until one experiences FSPaX!)aarrggghh.

Between Tim Arnot, Cristiano "Sky One", Dan Polli and David "Opa" Marshall, where else could one find such ""adrenaline-rush"  flight entertainment?"" ((ok,ok, so I am old :))
Any input to this concern would be most welcome and equally appreciated.
Thank you.
Plan-G / Re: Example Plan
July 30, 2013, 07:14:49 PM

You are absolutely correct!

I did it! Before I had the opportunity to read your responses, I remained awake until 2:00am, slogging at it!
It works like a charm! I was able to install, run and watch my little "yellow plane" move across the screen and reposition itself. For a half blind, stroke ridden and inept "wannabe" desktop pilot, this is an accomplishment, extraordinaire. Fait accompli!

I discovered that the main issue regarding the setup was, of the inappropriately assigned shared folders and the proper configuration of ports. I am using, now,  port #5005, because the 4505-4510 range failed to respond due to my lacking.

(I used a little program called "currport" to determine the more appropriate and available port; after the proper sharing and port assignment it began working by itself, to the extent that I thought I had broken something. I had forgottten that I had enabled the SimConnect verbose window and I sat there looking at reams of code rushing of into nowhereland, for several hours.
I went to bed and could not sleep because of the feeling of failure. I got up and reconfigured the 4505 port to 5005 and whilst I was busy setting up FSX, lo and behold, I looked at my other computer and there "she" was; my little yellow plane!

I could even use the radio stack, PFD, weather and all the rest of the functionality in Plan-G. You may not appreciate my elation, but your quick and cordial responses motivated me. As regards the crashing to the desktop, I have not evperienced such, as of yet. When, and if it occurs, I shall inform you.

The addition of the Plan-G alongside PassengersX made for a beautiful flight experience. Not only did I land without shredding a tyre, I also had 195 souls intact, even though they "complained" about a hard landing and poor taste in music. I was able, also, to cheat the red and black plages of their insatiable appetites.

I have discovered, also, that the Plan-G v3.0.4.59 is quite resilient to abuse and is most responsive under stress. (i.e.) running multiple copies at the same time, due to oversight).

I am thankful for your candid responses, your technical input and most of all, for not discarding a "newbie" for asking direct, yet somewhat intrusive questions.

Plan-G, as it stands, DOES what the documentation says it will do! I am grinning from ear to ear as I compose this response.

You may never receive another technical request from me, however, it is a calming reassurance that I may pose these questions without fear of arbitrary reprisal.
Gentlemen, thank you; for your creativity, technical disclipline, ingenuity and consummate professionalism!

Plan-G / Re: Example Plan
July 29, 2013, 06:08:54 PM
Hello Cristiano,

YeeeeeeeeeHAHAHA HAhahahahaha!!!
I can see my "little yellow plane" now, hehehe, it worked!
It only took me nineteen days!

Please, I would like to run the FSX and Plan-G on two separate computers.
Must I have, absolutely, WideFS to do so?

Without Prejudice.
I broached this question to an author, who read, did not reply but proceeded to block my message because he failed to appreciate, either the Queen's english or the direct question. His, and the multitude of "opinions' concerning the WideFS program and the exhaustive and conflicting version(s) information posted by same, ellicited the harsh response, I presume, in order to parry the direct question.
In a subsequent attempt to obtain a definitive answer, my second message was immediately censored with an immediate deletion  of the "in progress post" by the "moderator", without response.

I bought the FSUIPC4 in 2010 but found that is was a "duplication" of the FSX controls already existing though, somewhat granularised and "fine-tuned?" and my technical know-how coupled with the verbose and confusing, yet related documentation forced me to ignore it.

With the advent of Plan-G v3 (I had tried version 2, however, my computer gave me the "finger" at that time) and my curiosity, I wished, merely, to try out the programs on separate computers.

I did not want to spend more money for another program that might not enhance my limited ability to configure its supposed  functionality, hence the need for proper clarification as to the veracity of the WideFS's capabilities.

So, as to my unanswered question, elsewhere, I wish to ask of you, a candid opinion, please.

Do I need, absolutely, to purchase the WideFS in order to connect the FSX to Plan-G, on two separate computers; one being a laptop with Windows 7 and the other, a desktop running Windows Vista?

At present, I am able to use both, FSX and Plan-G on the laptop, hence the opening "YeHa!", however, the resource limitations cause "stuttering" but is acceptable. I am "tickled pink" with the Plan-G's performance. I could even see the PFD and radio stack, now! Pretty cool!
Also, I am using a registered copy of FSPassengers X and so far I have " killed" more people than the black and red plagues, combined!

I do not wish to purchase the WideFS if I could realise the same results, otherwise.

I do find the author's blatant, assumptive and abusive response to a straightforward question, appalling, more so since he has indicated in his online documentation that the FSUIPC has been compromised and "we" must re-purchase another copy, version 7.

His aloofness and arrogant response cultivate piracy.

And, Yes, I have used this opportunity to vent my displeasure with the author's evasiveness about the veracity of the behavioural aspects of the program.
I hope this is viewed by the parties concerned, so that they may post my original and subsequent message, as a defense for their presumptive actions.Thank you.

Plan-G / Re: Example Plan
July 22, 2013, 08:44:37 PM
Quote from: sky one on July 18, 2013, 10:47:53 PM
Hello jd,

this is the right place to ask, but we need you provide more information about the connection:
- the two PCs are wire or wi-fi connected? If the connection is via wi-fi, is it a 802.11b or 802.11g or 802.11n? I found in the past that I had some trouble connecting a laptop (with Plan-G) to my X-Plane's desktop using a 802.11b wireless netowrk;
- when you connect the two PCs (pressing the "Connect" button in Plan-G) do you hear a sound? Is the "Connect" button becoming grayed-out?

Could you please attach the Plan-G log file? You can find it in the \Documents\Plan-G Files\ folder.


Is this the way to reply with the log file info?


10:57:18.8 Starting Plan-G, build
10:57:18.9 OS is Microsoft Windows NT 6.0.6002 Service Pack 2
10:57:24.8 InitDataFolder
10:57:24.8 Data Source = C:\Users\DeFreitJ\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_FSX.sdf
10:57:24.8 Data Source = C:\Users\DeFreitJ\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_FS9.sdf
10:57:24.8 Data Source = C:\Users\DeFreitJ\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_XPX.sdf
10:57:24.8 Data Source = C:\Users\DeFreitJ\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_NAVI.sdf
10:57:24.8 Data Source = C:\Users\DeFreitJ\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\UserWaypoints.sdf
10:57:24.8 Data Source = C:\Users\DeFreitJ\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\MEF.sdf
10:57:33.2 Map tiles cache: C:\Users\DeFreitJ\AppData\Local\GMap.NET\
10:57:34.7 Program in: C:\Program Files\TA Software\Plan-G v3
10:57:34.7 Data in: C:\Users\DeFreitJ\Documents\Plan-G Files
10:57:34.7 IsDataLoaded: FSX
10:57:34.7 Data Source = C:\Users\DeFreitJ\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_FSX.sdf
10:57:37.5 Starting timer
10:57:37.5 DownloadCurrentMetars thread started
10:57:37.5 lTAF06Z.TXT started
10:57:38.5 Metar13Z.TXT started
10:57:38.8 lTAF06Z.TXT done
10:57:38.8 sTAF06Z.TXT started
10:57:38.9 sTAF06Z.TXT done
10:57:38.9 lTAF12Z.TXT started
10:57:39.5 lTAF12Z.TXT done
10:57:39.5 sTAF12Z.TXT started
10:57:39.7 sTAF12Z.TXT done
10:57:39.7 Metar14Z.TXT started
10:57:40.5 Metar13Z.TXT done
10:57:41.4 Metar14Z.TXT done
10:57:41.4 DownloadCurrentMetars done
10:57:44.2 ProcessMetars done
10:57:45.4 Connection string: metadata=res://*/Data.FSData.csdl|res://*/Data.FSData.ssdl|res://*/Data.FSData.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlServerCe.3.5;provider connection string='Data Source=|DataDirectory|\Data\PlanG3_FSX.sdf'
10:57:51.7 NdbsInBounds 0
10:57:52.0 VorsInBounds 1
10:57:52.7 AirportsInBounds 0
10:57:53.1 AirspaceInBounds 4
10:57:53.9 IsDataLoaded: FSX
10:57:53.9 Data Source = C:\Users\DeFreitJ\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_FSX.sdf
10:57:54.0 IsDataLoaded: FS9
10:57:54.0 Data Source = C:\Users\DeFreitJ\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_FS9.sdf
10:57:54.0 IsDataLoaded: XPlane
10:57:54.0 Data Source = C:\Users\DeFreitJ\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_XPX.sdf
10:57:54.9 NdbsInBounds 0
10:57:54.9 VorsInBounds 1
10:57:55.0 AirportsInBounds 0
10:57:55.2 AirspaceInBounds 4
10:57:55.5 Stopping timer
10:57:55.5 StartMap
10:57:55.6 NdbsInBounds 0
10:57:55.6 VorsInBounds 1
10:57:55.7 AirportsInBounds 0
10:57:55.9 AirspaceInBounds 4
10:57:55.9 NdbsInBounds 0
10:57:56.0 VorsInBounds 1
10:57:56.1 AirportsInBounds 0
10:57:56.2 AirspaceInBounds 4
10:57:56.5 NdbsInBounds 0
10:57:56.6 VorsInBounds 1
10:57:56.7 AirportsInBounds 0
10:57:56.9 AirspaceInBounds 4
10:58:02.3 _Backstage_IsOpenChanged: True
11:07:12.3 NdbsInBounds 0
11:07:12.3 VorsInBounds 1
11:07:12.4 AirportsInBounds 0
11:07:12.7 AirspaceInBounds 4
Plan-G / Re: Example Plan
July 22, 2013, 07:51:06 PM
Thank you, Sir,
It is, however, the instruction I have here is, to use F6...jd
Plan-G / Example Plan
July 18, 2013, 06:44:10 PM
Hello Lady(ies), Gentlemen,
This is my first attempt since installing Plan-G in 2005, to ask a simple question. Allow me to apologise beforehand, if this is an incorrect area to post questions.
The question: In the manual, the example flight and explanation states that a "yellow airplane" would be visible in the map area. Why did I not see it?
1. Is it because I loaded the flight plan into FSX as a .PLN file?
2. Is it because my connection did not return sufficient information from FSX to Plan-G to FSX?
3. Also, why did the radio stack and PFD fail to populate, but the weather did?

BTW: This is the first time in umpteen years that I was able to implement Plan-G and network it and actually fly with it because I did not have the PC resources. I am now using two (2) computers, one, a laptop, the other, a very old PC which struggles with the manual, let alone the Plan-G application.

Again, if this is the incorrect area, I wish to apologise and no response is necessary or expected. However, if this the correct area, please let me know at your convenience.
