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Messages - Timmy74

Plan-G / Re: New Machine...New build.
August 17, 2018, 09:49:56 AM
Quote from: tim arnot on August 16, 2018, 01:58:21 PM
Hey Timmy,

I've just done exactly that on a new laptop (cos I can't work at my desk due to health issues)

Yes. Mine is installed on D:
Possibly. Although you may have to reinstall them anyway. I look on this as an opportunity to dump old addons I no longer want (or to install things I didn't install last time). Fresh install is always a clean install.
You would have to tell Plan-G what sim to build for
Some links may not work for copied addons
Yes. Just tell Plan-G what sim to build for, it will find it.
Yes. Just tell Plan-G what sim to build for, it will find it.

Tip: If you still have an old install of Plan-G, copy the Plan-G Files\Data folder over, it'll save you having to do the initial data build (you can then just rebuild the P3D data set at your leisure)

Hello Tim,

Thank you very much for the reply and answers to my questions.   I am taking the plunge on the new rig tomorrow and am so more comfortable with the purchase now from your input.

A fresh start will be done so i have no mix ups like I have had of late!?!

I truly hope you are on the mend ( I was not aware you have not been well) and that you will be doing cartwheels before you know it.

Thank you again for all of your help and assistance....always.

Kindest regards,
Plan-G / New Machine...New build.
August 15, 2018, 11:09:10 AM
Hello Tim,

I want to build a whole new machine and only run P3Dv4.3 on it.  So if you could answer a couple of questions for me that would be greatly appreciated.

Can I run Plan-G on this machine without having to installing FSX? 

Can I run P3D on another drive rather than C: drive? 

Will I have to add each and every one of my add-on scenery's if I have P3D on another drive than the C: drive?

What would the complications be if I did not have FSX installed?

What would the complications be if I did not have P3D installed on the C: drive?

Can the DATABASE be built -without issue- if I install P3D on another drive rather than the C: drive?

Will the DATABASE be built if I do not have FSX installed?

Thank you for your time.

Plan-G / Re: Not all airports show up...!?
June 18, 2018, 09:31:42 AM
Quote from: tim arnot on June 17, 2018, 04:19:38 PM
The scenery.cfg file that Plan-G is reading to populate your P3D database contains lots of invalid paths to FSX data. I quoted an example of one of the missing files.

Since the vast majority of errors are  ORBX addons, One thing you should do is run the ORBX FTX Central 3 app and make sure you have everything there installed for P3D.

Hello Tim,

Thank you for quoting the missing files...I did see that.   I have run FTX Central v3 app many times. Especially when there is an update or if I have purchased an new product from them. I actually bought some stuff from them just the other week. How do I "check" to see if the entries are installed in P3D for I always click on the "Lockheed Martin P3Dv3" tab each and every time that I load ORBX FTX Central v3 app!?!?  Are you telling me that it is not installing these products into my P3D hard drive?? I run P3D on a separate hard drive all together and I have FTX Central v3 pointed at that drive. Inside my P3Dv3 folder I have an ORBX folder which has ALL of my Orbx products in there....  I know they are there because when I load P3D I can go to ANY ORBX airport/region and they load perfectly?

I am just really confused why this does not work and why does the Orbx error logs point to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X" when i don't even point Plan-G there to build the data base!?! Also I do not even have FSX on my C:\ drive!! I use to many moons ago. I had uninstalled FSX ages ago and reinstalled it on my F:\ Drive and I have P3D on my E:\ Drive...!?


Plan-G / Re: Not all airports show up...!?
June 18, 2018, 09:19:54 AM
Quote from: Dieter on June 18, 2018, 08:08:56 AM
have a look in your own attached Plan-G_Log.txt" and search for "error".
You will see that dozens (maybe a hundred, I didn't count) of your sceneries are not found in the given path 
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ xxxxxxx


Hello Dieter,

I am aware of that due to Tim pointing it out, but thank you for pointing out again.  So why is "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ xxxxxxx" coming up at all when i only pick the P3D paths....!?! 
Plan-G / Re: Not all airports show up...!?
June 16, 2018, 12:38:14 AM
Quote from: tim arnot on June 14, 2018, 10:10:53 PM
Yes. That's the one that contains all the FSX path references.

Hello Tim,

Sorry I am really really confused here....!?  All I want to do is run P3D and thus only have Plan-G running from my P3D data.   

My issue is when I build the Plan-G data from "only" my P3D scenery.cfg file I get no airports and VOR/NDB showing at all on my map.  I only get my "addon scenery" entries to show on the map. *second error log posted.

However if I place my FSX scenry.cfg file in there too I get everything showing....!?!?  Minus a few discrepancies....!?  *first error log posted

Again I would like to only run P3D now -due to I have more data and addons in my P3D than I do my FSX- so how do I get my Plan-G to read correctly all of my P3D data???

You stated "I think you need to check your cfg file and make sure all the paths are valid. Then hopefully it should find all your airports".  How would I go about doing this please?  All I have done is installed P3D as per instructions and followed Plan-G install instructions so I do not understand how i have "copied one over from FSX to P3D"!?!  Also how does one get a "corrupted scenery.cfg file" -as you have stated that maybe the issue- and how would I go about fixing this please?


Plan-G / Re: Not all airports show up...!?
June 10, 2018, 08:38:07 AM
Quote from: tim arnot on June 09, 2018, 08:59:12 PM
Sorry for the delay - I wasn't able to get onto the forum for a few days.

Looking at the log, it seems like there's maybe a corrupted scenery.cfg file, or you've copied one over from FSX to P3D - there's no end of references to an FSX program folder, which it fails to find. Consequently much of the data doesn't get read.

14:18:55.0 Directory error: Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\FTX_NA\FTX_AA_CAX6\Scenery'.

I think you need to check your cfg file and make sure all the paths are valid. Then hopefully it should find all your airports.

Hello Tim,

Thank you for your time and having a look.

I was wondering if you had a look at my "P3D only" log...?   I really do not want to run FSX anymore and would only like to build the data base from my P3D scenery.cfg file....

Plan-G / Re: Not all airports show up...!?
June 03, 2018, 05:48:15 AM
Hello Tim,

Please find attached my Plan-G log for "P3D only".   

Does this look correct....?

Plan-G / Re: Not all airports show up...!?
June 03, 2018, 05:13:06 AM
Quote from: tim arnot on June 02, 2018, 10:38:03 AM
Timmy, please attach your log file for the database build, and we can see what's happening. Thanks.

Hello Tim,

Thank you for your assistance. Please find attached my data log.

It now has FSX in there too. However, i would like to only run P3D data on my Plan-G from now on.


Plan-G / Re: Not all airports show up...!?
June 02, 2018, 03:32:34 AM
Quote from: Dieter on June 01, 2018, 04:32:49 PM
When I zoom to "6" tere are no airports displayed in my PlanG installation, too. From "8" on airports are to be seen.
Maybe Tim will en explanation.


Hello Dieter,

Thanks again for your reply. I am wondering if you have FSX database installed on your Plan-G? 

I went ahead and installed my FSX database into Plan-G and ALL the airports now show. As well as ALL VOR/NDB's....!?!  On a side note though....there is a discrepancy in what shows on the map when you click between "FSX" and P3D" icons....!?!  Should they not show the same information...!?

I am wondering why P3D does not install the airports and if it is 100% requirement to have the FSX database installed too for Plan-G to work as it should???  So then what happens if you do not want to run FSX anymore -just like me- and just use P3D...!?

Anyhow, like you said hopefully Tim can chime in and set the record straight for me?

Plan-G / Re: Not all airports show up...!?
June 01, 2018, 12:24:10 AM
I have gone ahead and unistalled plan-g and reinstalled it again.

I build the data base -because that is the only option you have- for P3D only.  I can see that all of my addon scenery is being installed -very quick list flashing as green bar goes from right to left.....  After completion I go to the "Map" tab and ALL airports and the such are ticked from zoom 7 through to 10 which is default.

However, when I zoom in and out NO airports show up what so ever!?!?  Only the airports that were installed from my addon scenery library...  Not even my Orbx airports show!?

I am really confused...!??  I have the correct path for P3D.exe and the P3D scenery.cfg files in the "Files/options/locations" part of the program.

What else could I do to make this work correctly please?

Plan-G / Re: Not all airports show up...!?
May 31, 2018, 11:46:03 PM
Quote from: Dieter on May 31, 2018, 12:12:37 PM

Hello Dieter,

I believe I stated that in my opening post...." I have ALL airports turned on from zoom 8 plus... but the map seems to be very sparse compared to the old 3.1.2 version of Plan-G that I had installed!?".

Sorry but maybe that was near clear enough!? 

Yes I do have ALL boxes ticked to show Large-Medium-Small-Helipads-FloatPlane Base and Farm Strips from zoom 8+.

Plan-G / Re: Not all airports show up...!?
May 31, 2018, 08:25:47 AM
Quote from: Dieter on May 31, 2018, 07:47:56 AM
See under tab "Map":
- did you check: Large-Medium-Small-Helipads-FloatPlane Bese-Farm Strips (and others if necessary)?

Hello Dieter.

Do you mean do I have all the Map tabs "ticked" to show Large-Medium-Small-Helipads-FloatPlane Base and Farm Strips....?
Plan-G / Re: Not all airports show up...!?
May 30, 2018, 12:27:25 PM
Okay..... After some more investigating for some reason the data base will not include or install any of my Orbx products.  I have found that I need to go to the "Additional Scenery Locations" and "Add" each and every "scenery" file of Orbx to get airports to show up...!?!

Is this correct?  If is going to be a VERY large and tedious effort to do something that the old version did with no worries.

Or have I done something wrong somewhere?  Not sure why ALL of my OZx scenery gets loaded and ALL of my RTMM scenery gets loaded too?  Basically everything -except Orbx and any airports outside of Orbx regions- gets loaded and appears on Plan-G..?

I am at a loss?
Plan-G / Not all airports show up...!?
May 30, 2018, 09:59:59 AM
Hello TA,

I have decided to upgrade -and start from scratch- to the latest version of Plan-G. Thank you very much. I have decided not to use FSX anymore and just use P3Dv3.4 instead. I have built the data base but i do not get ALL airports showing on the map!?!  I have ALL airports turned on from zoom 8 plus... but the map seems to be very sparse compared to the old 3.1.2 version of Plan-G that I had installed!?

Eg: A lot of Orbx airports don't show.  I have copied all of my old .csv files over and all of my "addon scenery" show up. However, like I have explained a lot of Large/Medium/small airstrips don't show no mater what zoom level I am in....?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Plan-G / Re: Syncing Plan-G with P3Dv3.2
April 17, 2016, 04:38:39 AM
All good now chaps.  I have had a great friend talk me through it on TS just now.

Sorry for the bother.