
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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Messages - nigfrench

Plan-G / Re: Unable to Build Nav Database
June 09, 2015, 06:02:21 PM
Cannot understand this Tim as the only scenery entries I have disabled in the Scenery Library are Photographic Scenery and areas I don't fly over such as France, Ireland Scotland etc. I've rechecked the scenery.cfg file and can't find any errors.

Plan-G / Re: Unable to Build Nav Database
June 06, 2015, 12:48:02 PM
Hi Tim

Checked P3D File/Options/Locations and P3D exe and P3d Scenery cfg is correct. Tried another Build Navigation Database and same thing happens, runs for 5 seconds and NDBs  plus obstacles show.

Plan-G / Unable to Build Nav Database
June 05, 2015, 02:26:17 PM

Ran Plan-G v3.1.2.101 the other day and as I have modified some airfields, selected "Build Navigation Database" for P3D v2.5 and the build took about 5 seconds with a end result of  NDBs and Obstacles showing across the UK and nothing else.

Prior to this the only thing I've added to my flight sim is SimLauncherX, is this a compatibility issue?



Cannot attach Plan-G_Log.txt to this post, how do I do it?
Plan-G / P3D v2.5.12945 Compatibility
April 08, 2015, 04:21:22 PM
Hi Gents,

Since I've upgraded to Prepar3d v2.5.12945 I've found that I get an APPCrash with the faulting error as MSVCR100.dll whenever the flight loads 100% but only if I run Plan-G at the same time as P3D is loading.

I never had this problem with v2.5.12944 and I use Razer Cortex as a loader. I have FSUIPC 4939j and Plan-G v3.1.2.101 installed, I'm just wondering if my version of Plan-G is compatible with the latest hotfix version of P3D.


Plan-G / Re: i-Pad Air
March 06, 2014, 03:40:18 PM
Just an up-date so far, I think the problem is due to the very low broadband down-load speeds we have to put up with by living out in the rural part of the West Midlands.

I live just on the Welsh border south-west of Whitchurch, Shropshire and even suffer from bad reception for mobile phones at our house.

If I get FS9 running first and then Plan-G, start the iPad and connect to the PC everything is fine for 10 minutes or so and then the iPad loses its signal and after a couple of restarts I then give up with using the iPad as a separate monitor. No problems with Plan-G otherwise!
Plan-G / i-Pad Air
March 02, 2014, 02:21:36 PM

Why does Plan-G crash if I connect my iPad Air to the computer using AirDisplay2?  (AirDisplay2 is an app that allows the iPad to act as another monitor to the PC).

I have Plan-G on a separate monitor and since obtaining an iPad I want my VOR, ADF and compass on the iPad as another monitor but can only do this if I delete Plan-G. Is this because the iPad is connected to the computer by wireless.

Any ideas?


Win 7 Home Premium 64bit