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Messages - luisf

Plan-G / Re: SOLVED I can not retrieve the flight plans
December 10, 2017, 03:51:19 PM
It was that, putting the language in English, everything works fine, thank you.
It was that, putting the language in English, everything works fine, thank you. You can even make profiles for new aircraft.
Suggestion; Could it be placed when you print the flight plan fuel consumption?
Plan-G / SOLVED I can not retrieve the flight plans
December 09, 2017, 06:05:56 PM
When I try to load an already recorded flight plan I get this, there is no data, however the plane of elevations is fine.
When PlanG reboots, the flight path is loaded, but the flight plan is left blank.
I have solved it by removing PlanG and reinstalling everything, including making the navigation database again. I was able to verify that the problem was that in x-plane 10, it does not allow to make a new aircraft profile, if you do it PlanGv3 (v3.2.0.144) is closing.
Thank you.
It is not working yet xp10.
I have installed the uiautomationcore.dll
I have Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7