
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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Messages - unc1rlm

Tim I just got it....sorry..having a senior moment lol,

Bob M
Thanks Tim

In the setting scction ....p3dv3 is the only one showing..the xplane is grayed out so that I cannot tell plan g where it is..

Bob M.
I have xpuipc and xp wide client installed and it does connect to xplane on a network but the only data I can build is p3dv3..can't do anything to build database in xplane10...any ideas.. On client machine where I am running g plan..I have the xplane 10 drive mapped from server....also for other proggies. Anyway..where can I look to fix this.

Bob M
Plan-G / Re: Sick of Looking at London
April 01, 2016, 01:09:35 AM
Finally got it to connect. Thank you Tim..

Will donate tomorrow (Friday)..too tired to poop.

Bob Morehead
Plan-G / Re: Sick of Looking at London
March 31, 2016, 06:49:03 PM
I have a sim connect in the document folder on the client and I put it also in the Plan G directory. I have a simconnect cfg file as well...been thru nightmares with ASN so I know all about simconnect xml and cfg lol as well as in documents on server and inside p3dv3.2. Maybe overkill but what have I done wrong :)   Thanks Tim... BTW I also have WideFS installed and its connecting to P3dv3.2
Plan-G / Sick of Looking at London
March 31, 2016, 03:37:10 PM
Tim...I have plan g installed on 2nd computer...I have installed data basis...have all the simconnect traffic exe in sdk running now loading aircraft as we speak with P3dv3.2. I have shared PlanG folder and no issues seeing server but the connect button doesn't connect.. and the map sits at the default location. What else can I do. It does read the p3dv3.2 scenery config files ok but won't connect. Thank you.

Bob Morehead
Plan-G / Re: networking
March 27, 2016, 08:48:24 PM
will give it a try...yes I have xpuic installed (xplane and client and ini with server ip..etc .. I am thinking it built a database from xplane..just doesn't connect. want that moving map :)

Thanks Tim...

Bob M.
Plan-G / networking
March 26, 2016, 02:00:34 PM
I have planG on a separate does not have xplane installed however it won't connect. I have the xpuic installed but when I click on connect it won't connect and I do have it pointed in the ini or wherever that info is..pointing to my xplane floder of different machine. Any help appreciated and how do I get it to appear in a moving map..will that work once I connect. I am using xplane 10.45

Thank you!!!
Once I get this running and see how it looks I will donate.

Bob Morehead