
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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Messages - muzik4

I honestly don't know .. that's why I was checking on here to see if anyone else had the same issue. ;)
No sir, I use it on the 2nd monitor by itself, but it does act as if it can't keep the focus, if that makes any sense. The strange thing to me is that the main window is fine, the loss of right click only happens in the Plan sub window and only when connected.
I have the newest .71 Ver 3 installed, and as said above, I'm completely missing the right click menu in the Plan Window. It will flash color as if it were selecting, but then nothing. Works fine until connected to either FS9 or FSX, then poof! If I quit either sim program, it begins working again as it should.

Also in the main window, the select "Instrument Approach" window is completely empty until I left click where the first entry should be, then it refreshes and everything shows up as it should.

Could this somehow be related to using the AERO desktop, which is then changed to Classic when FSX or FS9 is started? No other program has any problems with it .. just Plan-G V3 and only when connected via either FSUIPC or SimConnect.

Windows7, 64bit, using two monitors (no difference which one it is on), 8gg mem, 3.?ghz, 1gg ATI vid card.

I have tried everything I know to do and can't seem to find a solution. Any help would be much appreciated.