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Messages - jockwilk

Thanks Tim for your reply.

Actually all is now well. I followed advice I saw online and closed my Anti-virus temporarily while downloading and installing the latest Plan-G version again. That did the trick and I've got my beloved Plan-G up and running correctly again.

The three scenery areas are, in fact, all that appear in Scenery Library with titles. All others have ticks but no titles. I've never found a solution to this (which other people have reported) so I have to live with it. I did change the order of one of the named areas but there's no change in the Library. I should say that all areas appear in Addon Scenery in complete form.

Thank you so much for your help and especially for your wonderful program, which for me and for many others is indispensable.


I've now attached the Log file you requested.

Jock Wilkinson
Thanks very much, Dempsey.
I think I've cracked it.

With some help I've (I hope) managed to attach my Plan-G Log File.

Thanks in advance, Tim.

Thanks for the reply, Tim.

I've got as far as compressing the log file but I just can't find a way to send it to you.
I know I'm a twit, but I AM 88!

Perhaps you can help?

I just can not get the Nav Database to run for more than 2 seconds with the latest version of Plan-G.
The settings are all correct, so it's not that which is to blame.
I have no airports showing at any zoom level.
What shall I do, please?