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Messages - GypsyBaron

Plan-G / Re: Please give us version 2 back!
December 03, 2013, 05:14:48 AM
A +1 for Version 2

I dislike the V3 format, the choices of map providers and the undocked windows for the plan, information, etc.

Also, in V3 if you right-click a user waypoint, say to enable a QDM  readout from that waypoint, the slightest
movement of the cursor during that operation will cause the user waypoint to be replaced by 'wpt1', 'wap2' or whatever,
thus trashing the flightplan and any changes made up to that point subsequent to the last 'save'. This
'always live edit mode' is most frustrating!

My use of Plan'G relies on precise placement of user waypoints on both sides of a track, equidistant from
a waypoint on the track and perpendicular to the track within 1 degree....10ths of a degree would be better.
The distances must be equal within 0.1 miles.

In V3, setting the units 'Miles/MPH' results in the loss of the tenths readout for QDM range. I have to resort
to using the Nautical Miles/Knots setting to obtain 0.1 NM resolution. Since the plans I create are for an Multiplayer
group flying recreations of WWII missions over Europe in the A2A B-17G, which uses MPH, I have to continually
do the conversion using the Windows calculator. This results in more time consumed and yet another window open
on the display!

I REALLY need waypoints to 'stay fixed', ala Version 2 with the "Edit" mode turned off. I can not tolerate the movement of
waypoints in a completed flight plan as I go in to add additional content or take 'measurements' using the QDM function.

The lack of the ability to zoom in on the Mapquest aerial image to see features such as small lakes, ponds, and buildings
hampers my ability to place waypoints at easily identified features. Version 2 worked well for this.

I still have V2.0.5.493 installed but when I went to use it this evening I found I could no longer do ANY 'right-click'
operations on the possibility to enabe QDM, insert waypoints, etc. Every right-click resulted, after
some considerable delay, in a script error. I downloaded the latest V3 and after several hours experimenting with
it in the regime that I normally employ, I found it to be quite unsatisfactory, as noted above.
