
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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Messages - jtbyte

Flight Planning / ILS Approach SBGL
February 11, 2014, 03:37:48 PM
Hi All,

Just tried to build an ILS approach to Rio De Janerio SBGL using runway 10.
There is a big kink going down to NBD IT North of Afonso Pena Intl SBCT.
I assume it should have been the NDB IT Meriti West of Rio and this is an
error that needs to be corrected in future releases.
Anyway, just thought I would mention it.  Hope its ok.


Flight Planning / FSX ATC Does not like my flightplan
February 05, 2014, 08:25:10 PM
Hello all,

I have created a flight plan for FSX to take me from Manchester Airport ( EGCC ) to Heathrow ( EGLL ). The plan is supposed to take me over the east of London, then land on runway 27L at Heathrow. However when I am in FSX, and I reach reaches an an area above Ashbourne. FSX ATC guides me south towards western London, then lands me at runway 09L.

Is this a problem with my flightplan? Or is it a problem within FSX? and is there any way I can fix this?

I have tried several variations to my flight plan, and FSX always turns southward near the same area, and again lands on 09L.
