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Well this is embarrassing, it's working today! only my second try with .255
I've not flown for a month so started Plan-G and up came the update message, so I got 255 but comparing with .246 (my previous version) the flight path no longer shows when zoomed in below 11, I use this to accurately measure flight path distance, in 246 it still shows all the way down to 17
I've been doing a bit of investigating and the odd routing only shows when using a simbrief XP11 fms file, if I use a simbrief XP10 fms file PGv4 plots the route correctly

and if I load the XP10 file then export it with PGv4 as XP11 then reload it back in the weird routing shows up again
I've not changed anything on the option page with regards to the location of the PGv4 folder, it's pointing to where it should i.e. C:\Users\UKGC\Documents\Plan-Gv4 Files (this is cut and pasted from PGv4) and .plg files save in that directory once told where to go.

I've noticed it seems to be only VOR's that it's getting in the wrong place, intersections & airports are OK, not sure about NDB's, I don't really use them much
thanks for replying, I thought maybe it's possible to switch icon when you switch from IFR to VFR ?

No.3 there is no sign of the log file in the Plan-Gv4 Files directory on my machine, I've included a screen shot of the directory

No.2, I'm using the latest Navigraph data 2013 in X-Plane and that is what PGv4 is looking at, I've put the FMS data into a txt file to be able to attach it

as a side note I was running PG3 along side PG4 on this flight and PG3 did produce the correct flight plan and it's log file

No. 1,4 & 5 thank you

For your information I'm on windows 10 and X-Plane 11.50r3 (under steam)
I've just started using build 237 for my latest flights and have come across a few problems that need reporting.

1. under Locations, PGv4 is not remembering / storing my Additional Scenery Locations, I drill down and add the location of my custom scenery folder run the database creator and none of the airports I have there are being read and added to the airports database, and when I go back and check under Location the big yellow box is empty.

2. when loading a FMS flight plan created by SimBrief some locations are being wrongly identified, e.g. my last flight from WADL to WIHH passes the intersection TIKUS (which is 29 Nm sw of WADL the staring point of this flight, picture 1 titled SHOULD HAVE) but PGv4 has identified an intersection of the same name some 4201 Nm away and put it in the flight plan! (picture 2 titled WRONG WAYPOINT)

3. PGv4 isn't writing a log flie anywhere?

4. PGv4 is very slow to import a airspace data file to use under X-Plane after exporting it from FSX

5, not a bug but a request, can there be an option to switch between the light AC map symbol and the Jet symbol (as used in PGv3)
I'll give a go then
And v4 works with X-Plane11 ? or is it just MSFS2020 & PDGv5  :)
I'm using X-plane and fly the Zibo Mod so up to date data is important, I updated to the latest cycle 2012 and then as usual rebuilt the database, everything seemed to go well until I was checking the localiser for the ILS at VCRI (in Sri Lanka) its an add-on airport so I needed to update for that anyway, but when checking the direction of the localiser it was showing 81949 degrees, now that is too many degrees to be real so I contacted Navigraph to tell the of the problem with their data, this is where the problem starts getting serious, evidently the data format has changed! this is from their answer to me on their forum;

according the XP NAV1150 Specifications the values are correct so far. It's the localizer bearing in true degrees prefixed by integer magnetic front course times 360. Possible that the third party addon PlanG what you are using, canĀ“t handle the new format. Please contact the PlanG developer, that they can fix it in their application.

So I'm doing what they have asked.

I'm using Windows 10 and PlanG

Attached is a screenshot from PlanG showing what I'm seeing highlighted in the mauve frame