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Messages - coastalguy

Plan-G / Re: V4 VORs and DMEs
June 28, 2022, 04:42:00 PM
Not sure why, but when I opened the V4 today, all of the VORs and DMEs, along with the info and planners were displayed and working. This is the case when I have the X-Plane data selected, but they do not appear with the MSFS data selected for some reason. As I use X-Plane mostly, this now works for me. Obviously I needn't have purchased the MSFS program.
Plan-G / Re: V4 VORs and DMEs
June 25, 2022, 07:14:37 PM
A correction on my post, I was trying to build a database on FSX, where I actually have MSFS, 2020. On this change, it did build a database. However, regardless of whether the MSFS or X-Plane database is checked, there is still no VORs or DMEs displayed. Also, I forgot on my prior request, first right clicking on an airport, no longer provides the options for starting, landing or most of the options available on V3, in addition the info window no longer shows the airport information when moving the mouse over an airport. Going back to V3 until someone can advise new instructions on V4 that I may be missing....
Plan-G / V4 VORs and DMEs
June 25, 2022, 05:14:22 PM
I have been using ver 3+ for a decade, which allowed me to build databases on both X-Plane and MS Flight Simulator. For some reason, X-Plane never provided the VORs on the map, but MS Flight Simulator did.

I have now installed the V4, on which again I was able to build the data for X-Plane, but again which does not provide the VORs and DMEs on the map. Again, to get these, I actually purchased the latest version of MS Flight Simulator to be able to again build the database from it. However, entering the executable on FS, does not perform a build. When I try to enter the config file, there is no scenery config file scenery.cfg. Apparently they have changed the name of their config file, which I cannot get to display when I try to enter this path in the data build window for Flight Simulator config. First, why doesn't the latest X-Plane provide the VORs and DMEs from that data build, and if I do need FS, how can I get this to build a data file, when it does not recognize the scenery.cfg file???
Plan-G / Error building X-Plane data
September 27, 2020, 04:04:37 PM
After reading my X-Plane .dat files and beginning to build the databases, I received the following error. I tried it several times with the same error:

Failed to build database (A duplicate value cannot be inserted into a unique index. [table name = Runways,Constaint name = PK_Runways ]) See log file for more details.

This happened while "Writing 36989 Runways".
Plan-G / FSX Database vs X-Plane
November 29, 2017, 07:05:55 PM
I have both FSX and X-Plane installed, so I created a database for both on Plan-G. Having used FSX previously, for the destination airport I used the "instrument approaches" option heavily to automatically create the approach in using the IF and FAF's.

However, I see now that on the X-Plane database, there is no option for "instrument approaches", with the only option being to add the airport to the Flight Plan. I was wondering if this was a deficiency on the part of the X-Plane installation, or if Plan-G missed creating this on the database?

Lastly, will a flight plan created with the FSX database, work when exported to X-Plane?
Plan-G / Export plan update for X-Plane 11
September 15, 2017, 07:58:57 PM
I am currently using the latest version, which provides an X-Plane export for 9 and 10 versions. When trying to open it in X-Plane 11, the format is incorrect. Is that any thought to update Plan-G to include 11 exports?
Plan-G / Re: VOR QDM Range and Bearing not displaying
February 26, 2014, 02:33:01 AM
Regarding your response to use show radials, note that to begin, I do not know the actual radial degrees in order to enter in the show radials, radial and distance. So, to obtain the radial and distance I want, I first use your QDM Range and Bearing option along with the information box to first determine the degrees and distance of the radial line that I want.

Then, using this information, I then entered it into the show radial to produce the permanent red radial on the map.

This worked fine, however what I found was that using the radial/distance shown using the QDM information and entering it into the show radial, that the 2 radials were apart by a considerable number of degrees. Is it possible that one uses true and the other magnetic or is there a setting where I can produce an exact match of the degrees between the QDM and show radial options? I have attached a printout of the difference between them (Kinston NC VOR).
Plan-G / Re: VOR QDM Range and Bearing not displaying
February 26, 2014, 01:44:45 AM

It does exactly that. Sorry I missed that on the tutorial.
Regards and great product.
Plan-G / Re: VOR QDM Range and Bearing not displaying
February 25, 2014, 04:55:03 PM
I have since found another posting, advising the bearing and distance is in the information window, thanks. I was also wondering if it was possible to "set" the red line, along with "setting" additional red lines to remain displayed on the map as radials and radial intersections? I print off the map to use for subsequent flights between the same airports, and it would be great to have these radials printed also.
Plan-G / VOR QDM Range and Bearing not displaying
February 24, 2014, 01:14:25 AM
I am trying to intersect VOR radials, getting the distance and bearing from a VOR to an intersection of another. After right clicking on a VOR and clicking on the QDM Range and Bearing, I am able to extend a red line from the VOR to where my mouse cursor is. What I would like to do, first is "set" the red line so that it stays on the map, and second, display the bearing and distance of the red line from the VOR. At the bottom is a bar showing lat, long, heading along with other options. However when moving the red line around, from the VOR, only the lattitude and longitude displays, with all of the other options remaining blank. Is there a way to activate the other options on the bottom bar, or at least display the bearing and distance of the red line from the VOR, as the QDM Rand and Bearing selection seems to indicate??