It seems to me that the more security conscious Microsoft got, the less user friendly they became, as well as their interest in developing Flight Simulator into the best that it could be! Unfortunately, I've always struggled between hardware and software upgrades and compatibility! FSX, FSIX, and X-Plane are all running on my Windows Vista Ultimate machine and I'm trying to network Plan-G running on my Windows 8.1 Notebook because it's so much more powerful! With a little bit of persistence and luck I got fs_earth_link and FlightConnect(on my Android Tablet) to work, but have had no luck with Plan-G. I'm kind of hung up over Permissions and Accessibility between these operating systems and spent hours attempting to work things out! Since FSTramp didn't have a planner, I was amazed at the sophistication of Plan-G only I'm still "put off" by not getting things working over my network! I'll keep on trying but it seems so hopless!