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Messages - RabbiT_CZ

Plan-G / Re: Airport Charts on Laptop
November 28, 2010, 10:26:42 AM
If you though zooming the airport chart, you can use Easy Scroller ( for emulating mouse scroll wheel by keyboard. Then you can scroll up by Page Up and down by Page Down. To emulate whole mouse on numeric keypad you can use application Mouse Emulator (
Plan-G / Re: No Bread Crums Trail
November 28, 2010, 08:41:01 AM
To see the trail you need to have Plan-G connected to FS and see the user aircraft.

And to zoom the airport chart just use your mousewheel over the chart. It works both in the window and in the expander tab.
Plan-G / Re: FSX database problem
November 25, 2010, 10:55:18 PM
In Vista and W7 is the path:

It also written in Plan-G manual.
Plan-G / Re: Airport chart problem
November 25, 2010, 04:06:30 PM
I found the problem in your application :)
When I look on these errors and on values I found that there is bad interpretation of the decimal separator. In some countries (like Czech Republic) is used comma as decimal separator. So we have 1/2 = 0,5 and in English speaking countries it is 0.5. And your application is probably using current regional settings in Windows but FS data are using dot as separator.

It could be solved by changing decimal separator in Control Panel in Regional Settings.

So now it is working for me ;)

Plan-G / Re: Airport chart problem
November 25, 2010, 03:40:01 PM
The problem with airport diagrams is on both (PC and NB). I built DB on both computers. On netbook via network.
I looked into the log and there are a lot of errors.
Example from log:
12:23:13.6 Error saving runway for airport 4I3: The count of column names and source expressions do not match. [ Column name count = 15,Source expression count = 17 ]
SQL = INSERT INTO Runways (ICAO, Surface, Length, Width,Heading, [PrimaryRunway], [PrimaryDesignator], [SecondaryRunway], [SecondaryDesignator], [CircuitAlt], Markings, Lighting, Pattern, Latitude, Longitude) VALUES ('4I3',4,1522.171,22.86,97.7,10,0,28,0,246.2784,55,2,0,40,3287097066641,-82,5237652659416);


12:28:28.5 Error writing ApronVertices: The count of column names and source expressions do not match. [ Column name count = 5,Source expression count = 7 ]

Complete log has 133MB :) Its full of these errors. I uploaded it to (zipped it has 2.5MB)

I have UAC enabled.
FSX installation path is D:\Flight Simulator X\
Plan-G is also on D: drive.
I have following addons:
UTX Europe, GroundEnv Europe and REX 2.0. FSX is completely reinstalled recently (last weekend).

I will try to rebuild database running the Plan-G as admin.

The problem with graphical glitches is solved. It is really caused by graphic. I have actual drivers, but in my case it was caused by RadeonPro application.
Plan-G / Re: Airport chart problem
November 25, 2010, 02:19:05 PM
Thanks for Plan-G 2.0. It looks really great.
But On my PC it has some minor graphical bugs. I have same problem with airport diagrams as A400. There are also some graphical glitches in File menu. And during database building the window turn into big progress bar.
The problem with diagrams is on all airports for me. The attachment shows default EGLL
I have W7 Professional x64 on my PC. On netbook with W7 Pro x32 there are no problems with graphics but the problem with diagrams is also here.