
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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Messages - bigmarty

Plan-G / Re: How to update Navdata
March 30, 2021, 11:47:03 PM
Thank you very much for the reply.

I downloaded and installed build 238, built the navigation database for P3D and and copied the Plan - G4 folder over to my remote PC (I use Plan g on the remote pc via Widefs). Now Plan G is showing intersections that I was unable to get before. You say the Navigraph fixes in build 238 do not apply to P3D, but it seems to be working for me.

I think I will leave it as is now and not go the fake xplane.exe route, but thank you for telling me how to do.  Maybe I will need it later.

Plan-G / Re: How to update Navdata
March 30, 2021, 07:47:42 PM
I see on more searching that there may be a solution to this in build 238. I will give that a try and report.
Plan-G / How to update Navdata
March 30, 2021, 07:42:06 PM
I like Plan-g and use it most of the time. However, it is not very useful when I cannot set up a flightplan that matches the plan built in the aircraft's FMC, or cannot input a Plan G flightplan into the aircraft because there is no consistency between the intersections/vor's available in the aircraft FMC and Plan g. 

Is there a way to update the Navdata in Plan G? I see from a forum search that Plan G will read XPlane navdata but you need to set up a "fake" Xplane.exe file in order for Plan G to read the XPlane Navdata.  How does one go about setting up a fake .exe file? Or is there another way to update the Navdata?

I have updated Navdata in P3D and in the aircraft, and rebuilt the Navigation Database but Plan G does not to pick up the updated information.

Using P3D V5.1

Thanks for any suggestions.

Plan-G / Re: Unable to build p3d database
June 14, 2020, 09:27:23 PM
The problem has gone away. Here is what I did - I came across on this forum "FSX & P3D NAVAIDS UPDATE WITH INSTALLER". I installed this into P3D V4. Next I started the sim (V4) so that it would build new files after which the database build process in Plan g worked.

Thanks for your help.

Plan-G / Re: Unable to build p3d database
June 14, 2020, 06:55:06 PM
I have already tried the suggestion several times with no success. I have now uninstalled Plan G and reinstalled to the drive where P3D v4 resides. Now with a new install it needs a new database build before I can navigate to the locations page in order to input locations. But the database build is still stalling at "Scanning Scenery\1106".   I have searched the PC for \1106 but nothing comes up. 

A copy of the log after my latest effort is attached. Perhaps you can see something in the log that might lead to the problem.

Hope you can help.

Plan-G / Re: Unable to build p3d database
June 13, 2020, 04:47:16 PM
Yes I understand that P3D v5 is not supported. I was just trying everything I could think of to get the database to build. I was able to build the database with V4 previously but now the build stalls (with V4) as noted above.

Thanks as always.
Plan-G / Unable to build p3d database
June 12, 2020, 09:07:54 PM
When I try to build the navigation database the process stalls at "Scanning Scenery\1105" (or 1106, or 1107).

I have uninstalled and reinstalled Plan G and tried building the database in p3d v4 and v5. Also, I have deleted the config file (appdata\local\ta software) and tried installint to different drives but always the same result.

This problem happened after I tried to get Plan G to recognize updated navdata via x-plane which was unsuccessful. I have deleted all reference to x-plane on my system.

Any help would be appreciated.

Plan-G / Re: Navdata
June 11, 2020, 11:17:02 PM
Thanks for the reply. I will give the fake xplane folder a try.
Plan-G / Navdata
June 10, 2020, 05:35:36 PM
First, let me say that I have been using Plan g for a short period now and am slowly getting familiar with it's extensive features. It is great program and cudos to Tim. I will be making a donation.

I would like to bring more current Navdata into Plan g. Reading the forum I see that there is a way to do this somehow using Xplane (which I do not have) but can't figure out how to do it.  I don't see anything in this regard in the manual. I have Windows 10, 64 bit, P3D v4.5 and v5.

If anyone could give me some direction, it would be much appreciated.

Plan-G / Re: Remote PC Connected but no Data
May 21, 2020, 09:16:27 PM
OK, problem solved. I reinstalled Plan 3g to a different drive, and it is now working fine. Also, the data (airports, waypoints etc) are now showing up on the remote PC, so everything is as it should be. 

Plan-G / Re: Remote PC Connected but no Data
May 21, 2020, 06:23:23 PM
Now I have really messed things up. In trying the fix the problem mentioned above I somehow lost access to Plan 3g on my remote PC. The program will not start up past the initial Plan 3g page.  The page appears and then just goes away. I have re downloaded the program from the website with virus/firewall off,  reinstalled, cleaned registry, rebooted the PC; all a couple of times but no success. Still won't start up. Am using windows 10, 64 bit.  P3d is not loaded on the remote PC.

I cant find any mention of this problem on the forum.

Thanks for any help.

Plan-G / Remote PC Connected but no Data
May 21, 2020, 12:24:46 AM
Good afternoon. I just installed Plan 3g and have tried to read the manual to get it set up properly. I have Plan 3g on a separate PC from where I have P3d 4.5. I use FSUIPC Wide FS, and the the remote PC is connected to P3d on the main PC.  I built the data base on the P3d PC and copied the Plan 3g files over to the remote PC under Documents.  My aircraft shows on the remote PC. My problem is, for example, if I click on "find" no data appears.  No data shows on the map.

Hope the above is clear enough.

I think I need a bit of help here, and thank you.

Plan-G / Re: Aircraft not showing up on networked pc
February 24, 2018, 06:05:38 PM
Thank you. I will get WifeFS.
Plan-G / Re: Aircraft not showing up on networked pc
February 24, 2018, 04:25:42 AM
I don't have a message like that in the title bar, just Connect or Disconnect. I have registered copy of FSUIPC 4.972 but do not have Widefs. Is this my problem?

Thanks for your reply.
Plan-G / Aircraft not showing up on networked pc
February 23, 2018, 07:10:19 PM
My networked pc is connected via FSUIPC, registered version. Everything seems to be fine - the networked pc connects when I hit the "connect" tab, but my aircraft and AI aircraft do not show up. If I open Plan G3 in the sim PC, all the aircraft appear as soon as I select "connect".  My aircraft appears on the networked pc if I open Vatsim. An active flight plan is filed and I have input the Start Position on the networked pc.

I am using P3d V3.  Display Aircraft and AI Aircraft are selected in Options.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
