
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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Messages - ALZ150

Thank you Tim
All problems solved; to those referred to the creation of database, as the connection to the simulator
This is the file
Good afternoon, after a certain time, I have gone back down and reinstalled the last Plan G. I install it without problems, but when creating the database I have problems. In particular, in adjustes I indicate the program where the P3D is installed (Disk D, lockheed martin and P3d v4) Then I show the path for the scenarios (C: \ ProgramData \ lockheed martin \ P3dv4). Next I tell you to create a database for P3D and start doing it without problems until it reaches a phase that puts "preparing database for new data" and there goes from time to time (more than 45 - 60 minutes) and not does nothing.
Any solution?
The other problem (it was what made me uninstall it last time) when I start to fly, I give it to connect, apparently it connects but in a few seconds it goes back offline.
Thank you for the help that I will soon receive
Plan-G / Re: Does Plan-G works with PREPAR3D v.3?
November 06, 2015, 03:37:29 PM
I think I've found a solution.
Looking where this P3D.exe yy the drawbacks in that direction where it says Prepar3D exe.
You do the same in program data, looking scenarios and copy and paste again.
Now I doing database

I uninstalled the program for the umpteenth time.

I searched all hard drives any reference to PLAN-G or TA Software and I deleted it without more.

I spent the CCleaner to clean records

Reinstalled, again creating the database and voila, all perfect

Thanks to all of you who are interested
I have disabled the antivirus and firewalls windows. But the problem remains the same.
Open up the program allows me to do a flight plan, but when I want to save or open an existing one, nothing.
Negative Sir

I run PLAN-G from Disk C. Exactly from a directory call TA Software that I created specifically to PLAN-G
Thank you for your interest.
I have uninstalled the previous versions. I have searched for all equipment the files related  to PLAN-G and I deleted that entries. Then I installed the most current version and, later, I started in administrator mode
And the problem continues
In any case, I can only thank you for your interest in my problem
A couple of days ago, when I open the Plan G, I find an indication that there was an update. Exactly I did that, download and install. So far so good.
He asks me to update the database. No problems.
However, the difficulties began there.
Try to open a flight plan from the OPEN tab (located above all to the left) As if. It does nothing. Well, through the File tab, try from open. Nothing, opens the menu where you should select the file you want to open, just send me to the main map. I tried creating a flight plan (no problems), but when I try to save, if you've seen macarena. Even in the recent option nothing comes out.
I hope these great ideas to help me find my mistake, my insurance is a mistake.
Of course, uninstall, search in a lot of places anything that references the Plan G, pass CCleaner and reboot to reinstall I've done three or four times. Also I have the last Net
Thanks for your solutions

PD I downloaded the WP7 version (I have W7 64)