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Messages - dkberesk12

wow i had the content path only going to community folder...  boy do i feel like a dumb dumb.
Using MSFS.  attached the log with some examples.    some airports have diagrams, other airports diagrams dont show up.   
UPDATE:  rebuilt database again, can see everything except the airport diagrams. when i click them the aerodrome page is blank, still shows the airport frequencies though.
yes ive tried rebuilding multiple times, even going back to the last build that was working for me but no luck, still wasnt able to see SIDS STARS or airport diagrams. 
SIDS, STARS, approaches, airport diagrams,  all missing with the new build?  or is there something im doing wrong?
Plan-G / Re: Vatsim Center control areas
April 04, 2021, 02:42:21 AM
Plan-G / Re: Vatsim Center control areas
March 29, 2021, 08:53:21 PM
any news on this? plan g still doesnt show which centers are online when vatsim is selected for me.  can see all traffic and which airports are controlled but not highlighted center areas.
Plan-G / Re: Vatsim Center control areas
November 30, 2020, 08:51:55 PM
thank you for looking into it, let me know if you find anything or if its just me.
Plan-G / Vatsim Center control areas
November 27, 2020, 06:25:31 PM
I havent been able to see the highlighted areas when an area is being controlled (like boston center for example) when i turn vatsim on within plan g.  did something happen to this feature?  it is showing me controlled airports but not the centers or their boundaries.  hope im explaining this clearly enough.
V4 Beta / Re: Saitek panels and plan G
September 16, 2020, 07:42:29 PM
thanks for the reply, will check possible other issues.
V4 Beta / Saitek panels and plan G
September 16, 2020, 02:34:06 AM
would the installation of the new plan G cause any problems with the new logitech drivers released on the 9th for the saitek panels? after i installed it i cannot get my AP screen or radio frequencies to show up on the panels. all buttons are working tho.