
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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Messages - levada

Plan-G / Re: Flight plan editing is buggy!
June 13, 2014, 01:49:09 PM
What would be helpful is if you actually read what I write Tim, because I clearly wrote "If you're interested to have a look at the issues", so obviously I have more than just one problem. I haven't discussed all these problems in more detail, because I'm not sure if I would be wasting my time, since I noticed several threads to which you never replied.

But since you like to treat me like some strange individual who would come here to open a topic about an issue without even mentioning what the issue is, I've come to the conclusion that there is no reason anymore why I should follow up on my offer to invest some of my spare time to make your excellent product even better than it already is.

Have a nice day.

Plan-G / Flight plan editing is buggy!
June 13, 2014, 10:10:26 AM
I lost count of the number of times Plan-G (latest version) crashed while trying to edit the waypoints of the flight plan. It's extremely buggy!! Only that part, the rest of the program seems to be quite stable. It's such a shame, because you have such a nice program and it's well documented too. The placement of waypoints is just fine, it's editing that is causing all the crashes.

If you're interested to have a look at the issues, let me know (I've been a professional programmer for several years) and I'll do an extensive test for you for free, trust me.... I'll find those bugs for ya, I've done extensive testing for tons of commercial software products in the past.

PS: I couldn't find an E-mail address on your home page, so I had to do it this way.