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Messages - PhillyPennPilot

Plan-G / Re: Import kmz into Plan G
August 22, 2014, 08:25:29 PM
Cool.  I'll proceed with caution ... but I'm happy to as this feature will be really nice to get working with my particular setup & flying style.  Cheers!  :)
Plan-G / Re: Import kmz into Plan G
August 22, 2014, 06:43:21 AM
Quote from: ivanrk on August 20, 2014, 07:57:46 AMI am not sure I fully understand your question.  When I put either of the two files into PG this is what I get.  It certainly looks like it is showing the full number of airports.  Can you please explain the problem in more detail so I can have a play around.
Oh man, I wish that's what it looked like for me.  When I import either file (or just about any kml file for that matter) there are no points displayed on the map.
Quote from: tim arnot on August 20, 2014, 08:54:56 AM
Ivan, if you imported the kml using the test build from the other thread, there's a part-implemented fix in it, so you'll see all the points.
There's a fix for this?  I'm using v  This is the one on the TAS homepage ( Where's the other version?  Thanks!
Plan-G / Re: Import kmz into Plan G
August 20, 2014, 04:06:50 AM
Don't mean to be a pest here, but I figured I'd check back about this after having tried one other thing:  This time I took a simple, one-layered map from a custom google map, exported it as a KML file, and tried using that with PG.  (Basically I didn't use Google Earth to change anything so the placemarks should, in theory, be pretty unadulterated.) Still no success.  :-/

Can anyone confirm that this feature does in fact work with KML files that have multiple points? ... and if so, could you post an example and tell me how you made it?  This is really bugging me.

Plan-G / Re: Import kmz into Plan G
August 05, 2014, 12:02:40 AM
Gosh, I can't think of anything I did that would create either multigeography or boundary circles -- but then again I don't really know what those are.

Like I mentioned, it was a map I made in Google Maps (one that I update every time Orbx comes out with a new airport).  I exported that to a KML file, which for some reason PG couldn't read at all.  So I then imported that into GE, then simply exported it again into KML which results in the file I linked to above.  It's one basic map with default placemarks.  Nothing too fancy. Well, if you or anyone else knows of a good workaround, I'm all ears.  :(

Fyi, I suppose a sort of laborious workaround would be to pick out the airports one by one in PG, right click on them, and hit Create User Waypoint.  But apparently you can't do this over an airport.  Perhaps this is something you guys could implement in a future build?  I'd really like to be able have placemarks, or waypoints, or whatever, that would allow me to see custom landmarks I create myself.  Whether that's through a working KML import or a custom user waypoint that can also be airports, it would really matter.  Thanks.
Plan-G / Re: Import kmz into Plan G
August 04, 2014, 05:27:33 AM
Do you know if that's something I can modify or disable in Google Earth before I export the file?  I originally created that KML file by first importing a Google Map KML (one that PG didn't read at all), and then having GE export another KML.  I didn't think it had anything other than simple, flat placemarks in it.  Hmmm.    Let me know if there's a workaround I can do in the meantime on my end.  Thanks!
Plan-G / Re: Import kmz into Plan G
August 01, 2014, 06:47:42 AM
Quote from: tim arnot on July 31, 2014, 03:17:17 PM
I'll trace it through and see if I can spot what's happening.

Oh shoot -- I messed up and gave you a link to the KMV I created for the folks at Orbx.  I'm pretty sure PG doesn't support that format, so here's the link to the KML file which includes the same 202 airports.  Cheers.

Quote from: ivanrk on July 31, 2014, 08:36:43 AMI just tested it with the same result - CRASH.
However, if you actually type the address in rather than by entering it via browsing it all works OK.  A bug but a workaround for now.

Nice workaround!  That will do for now.  8)
Plan-G / Re: Import kmz into Plan G
August 01, 2014, 01:36:11 AM
Quote from: tim arnot on July 31, 2014, 03:17:17 PM
I'll trace it through and see if I can spot what's happening.
Thanks, this would be a major plus for PG, imo.  I'm pretty heavily invested in Google Earth and Google Maps for airports and points of interest.  (I'm an Orbx user, and their regions all come with pretty nice KML files.)  I know we can assign user waypoints in PG, but I already have lots of nice maps ... not to mention finding the exact locations of the many airports & poi's in PG would be a major pain.  Thanks!
Quote from: tim arnot on July 31, 2014, 03:15:07 PM
You've solved it now, but in build 94, if you right-click the map (to get the popup menu), it will log the location and filename of the tile that it tries to get the spot height from. You can easily cross-reference that to the folder on your PC.

Very nice!  Just noticed that.  Thanks.  :)
Plan-G / Re: J Allard Airport Diagrams
August 01, 2014, 01:22:51 AM
Quote from: allardjd on July 31, 2014, 04:34:42 PM
Not sure if you guys are aware of it or not, but Plan-G will display any jpg or pdf file in a similar manner, the only requirement is that the file name must begin with the airport ICAO code.

Did NOT know this ... until now.  Thanks, John!

Also, yeah, didn't realize there was a new manual.  I assume it's in the same spot as the old manual (which is the main PG installation folder)?
PG is crashing after I attempt to assign it a "Minimums Alert" .wav file in the Opions > Sounds tab.  It does it every time. I'm only trying to assign it another file in the same default folder as both the VNAV Alerts and Waypoints Alerts (C:\Windows\Media\).  In fact, I can switch the sounds for either of those alerts out perfectly fine, but once I hit Browse and select a new file for the Minimums, PG crashes.   :(

Didn't see a history of this in the forum here.  Any ideas?
Plan-G / Re: J Allard Airport Diagrams
July 31, 2014, 07:56:12 AM
Ah ha!  Brilliant, John.  After fiddling around with this a little more, it also seems one shouldn't create a sub-directory in the Charts folder.  So I just dumped all the .jpg files right into ...Documents\My Plan-G Files\Charts, and with the help of that txt file -- presto, it worked!   :)

Thanks for the help, John!  Hope this helps someone else in the future.  Cheers.
Plan-G / Re: Import kmz into Plan G
July 31, 2014, 07:10:20 AM
Quote from: Kronzky on April 14, 2013, 01:13:42 AM
This seems to work with some KML files, but not with all of them.
If I, for example, download a KML file from FS-Duenna (e.g. this one - download from options on the right), Plan-G seems to import it, but nothing is displayed.

It looks like I have to make the following changes, in order for it to be shown:

<kml xmlns="">
<kml xmlns="">
And Change
<Style id="tlffStyle"><LineStyle><width>4</width></LineStyle><PolyStyle><color>7dff0000</color></PolyStyle></Style>
<Style id="tlffStyle"><LineStyle><width>4</width><color>7dff0000</color></LineStyle></Style>   

It would be nice if Plan-G could accept these types of files without them having to be edited manually.

Hey Kronzky (or anyone who has figured out a way to make KML files display in Plan-G):

I'd reeeeeaally like to overlay this map (see the KML file below) of airports I fly into regularly when I plan my routes.  I created this in Google Earth, and there should be 202 airports on here.  Each placemark is a simple airplane icon that comes standard with GE and has one line of description in the text box. It's very straightforward and it displays fine in GE, but for some reason only shows about 10-15 airports when opened via Plan-G.  I can't figure out why though -- there's no rhyme or reason as to which ones are appearing.I tried your fix, Kronzky, but since this KML doesn't have any lines, it doesn't really apply here.  Anyone else have any suggestions?  Thanks.
Quote from: ivanrk on July 31, 2014, 02:07:33 AM
Just to let you know - all my DEM files end in a g eg a10g b10g etc

As they should!  It was my goof.  I mistakenly downloaded "source" tiles from the same site thinking they were elevation tiles.  My bad.   ::)
Plan-G / Re: J Allard Airport Diagrams
July 31, 2014, 03:40:54 AM
Regarding my previous post: after some research, I actually don't think there is one link / one big bundle out there for J Allard's maps unfortunately.  But back to the original question....
Quote from: romoni on July 29, 2014, 05:55:14 PM
If I try to set a path to via Option -> Location -> J Allard Charts I can't to do that. Browser try search file called AllardJD_Readme.txt and I can't use any other file form. Very odd...

Yes, same for me.   I have a downloaded a LOT of JA's charts thinking this would integrate with Plan-G, but I'm having the identical problem.  I downloaded many different bundles and moved the charts (the .jpg files themselves into a folder called JAllard in the ...Documents\Plan-G Files\Charts folder, and I did the same thing by trying to locate charts.  And I tried your workaround, sky one, but renaming one of the text files to fit what Plan-G is apparently looking for didn't do anything.  Is this elusive "AllardJD_Readme.txt" file supposed to be a directory of some soft?  Regardless though, in my case since I'd like to use many charts from many different bundles (each of which comes with their own .txt file), I don't think there's going to be one file that includes all pertinent info about all the charts.

Here's an example.  The bundle for the state of Oregon in the U.S. comes with 29 .jpg files (the actual airport chart) and one text file called "US - Oregon" which contains the following:

QuoteUS -

Updated 6/25/14

This zip contains airport diagrams for...

- 00S McKenzie Bridge State - McKenzie Bridge, Oregon - US
- 13OR Aubrey Mountain Airstrip - Oakridge, Oregon - US
- 2OR7 Sweet Home - Sweet Home, Oregon - US

...and it lists the airports.

Anyhow,  I doubt Plan-G can use this file -- or any of the corresponding files for other bundles -- to index which airports have J Allard charts.  And even if it could, there are (in my case) tons of text files.  Very puzzling.