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Messages - bolingbrokejq

Plan-G / Re: AI Ships Location
March 17, 2017, 12:16:35 AM
Thanks for clarifying that. I've seen a few times on your site that there's a wish list? I'd like to add this function. ;). Plan-G is a great program. Actually an incredible program. Thanks so much for such great software.
Plan-G / Re: AI Ships Location
March 16, 2017, 11:39:29 AM
Thanks for your response. I did know this allows for control of ai traffic, but what I want is to see ship/boats on Plan G just like I see aircraft AI traffic. What do I add to the ship/boat file so I see these. Like I have the Nimitz HD AI and Fleet, but it doesn't show up on Plan g when I use it with AI Carriers.
Plan-G / AI Ships Location
March 14, 2017, 08:02:37 PM
Does anyone know if it's possible to edit a ships config or air file to identify it in Plan G so it can be seen on the map as we can now see AI aircraft? I don't know enough about it to do it myself, but maybe some of you really smart guys have done it, or thought about how to do it. Plan G is awesome. Maybe this should just be on a wishlist? Thanks.

Jack Q.
Plan-G / Re: Can't start Plan G in Win 10
January 21, 2016, 03:12:11 AM
Thanks for the info Tim. I have it working now, but the problem was either that the FSUIPC file was corrupt, or I didn't have it actually installed. I hate to say it, but I really think it was the latter. Anyways, running great now. Thanks again for your help and your program. :)
Plan-G / Can't start Plan G in Win 10
January 19, 2016, 04:19:33 PM
I had Plan G up and running for quite a long time, but I had to do a reinstall of all my  FSX and ORBX stuff due to a problem. When I then downloaded and installed Plan G beta for Win 10, it shows up on my monitor, but it won't connect to the simulator. I just get a sound wave (fail)  when I hit connect. I downloaded it to the fight sim folder, on C:/ and have tried to ensure the location is correct in the options tab. I did disconnect IPv4 in Windows, but Plan G ran on it fine before. I've tried both SimConnect and FSUIPC but no luck. Would greatly appreciate some help. Plan G is an awesome program and I sure want it back. Thanks to all.
Plan-G / Re: Importing a user waypoint
January 15, 2015, 05:24:59 PM
This is great software! I fooled around using find address to look for the waypoint I created, and like magic, there it was. Exactly what I need to be able to do. Thanks again.
Plan-G / Re: Importing a user waypoint
January 15, 2015, 05:08:11 PM
Just FYI: I got the CSV file to work and be imported to the database. I have Win7 64bit and as we all know it can be weird at times. My mistake apparently was double clicking on the file itself (in the data base dialogue box). When I used the "open" button  the file loaded fine.

But now a new problem. Quick question...when I try to use the find button it doesn't seem to find, or center the POI, on the map. Any thoughts? Also is there a way to enter lat and long and find that spot on the map?

Thanks again.
Plan-G / Re: Importing a user waypoint
January 14, 2015, 12:28:49 PM
Hi Tim...Thanks for quick response. I did not include the headings in the CSV file, and I had also tried using the number 8. No luck. I've used Excel 2000 to create a CSV file - perhaps that's a problem? I also just done a file in note pad but I'm not sure how to save it for sure as CSV file format or if I even need to. Could the issue be with the Lat and Long entry? Here's what I want the values to be:60.5758°N 140.3694°W. Have I entered that data correctly in the entry I posted? In the past I had successfully created user waypoints and I used the exact same format for this attempt as far as I can tell. (I also exported an entry from the data base, changed the data to what I want, and imported it back to the DB. No luck).

So, that's my story. Any help is certainly appreciated. Cheers.
Plan-G / Importing a user waypoint
January 14, 2015, 04:12:23 AM
My CSV file for a new user waypoint is not being accepted by the data base. I get the message "Invalid category on row 0Please see the log file for further information". Here's the waypoint /CSV file I'm trying to install:


POI,Mt Logan,Mountain,60.5758,-140.3694,19000,10,AK,St Elias

Any help with what I'm doing wrong?

Thanks and thanks for some great software Tim.