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Messages - Fredyl

Plan-G / Re: User AC missing and found
December 12, 2014, 10:07:16 AM
Yesterday (10/12/14) I discovered that FSX Booster no longer works and neither does FP Limiter so I deleted both,
ran FSX and Plan-G, got the User ac
ran out of memory (Which memory?)again.
So adjusted the FSX Options all down one peg and successfully flew from Frankfurt to Vienna in a Twin Beaver.
I suspect that there is a clash between Plan G with FSUIP (unregistered) and FSX Booster/FP Limiter/Java
I wonder if purchasing the registered version of FSUIP would help?
Plan-G / User AC missing and found
December 03, 2014, 03:44:29 PM
Plan G v3.1.1 Missing User Aircraft   24/11/2014

The User AC was visible under Plan G v.2
After removing V.2 I downloaded V.3.1.1 and installed it on Drive C, as Admin.
I have 3 hard drives each of 1 TB.
Drive C has Win7/64 and all non-sim data. (779.82Gb Free)
Drive D has FSX and all related Data. OrbX Central with Europe, Global and North America. FSX Limiter. FSUIPC, FSX Booster.(817.25Gb Free)
Drive E has X-Plane and all related Data.(654.5Gb Free)

My Desktop has Windows 7/64 Professional SP1. Processor is 3.4Ghertz Intel Core i5-3570K not Hyper Threaded
The Mobo is Asus Sabertooth 77 with 24464 Megabytes RAM (No Hyper threading allowed?)
I use an NVidia 560Ti graphics card with DSG 31" and LGM228WD 22" Monitors

I decided to tidy up all files on 01 november 2014 and began with Drive D.
Once these files were upgraded, tested and FSX was working fine I made external Backup and moved to Drive E and X-plane.

After these files were upgraded, sorted and working fine I made external Backup and moved to Drive C. and Plan G.  Here I discovered the problem with the missing Plan G User AC.

I returned to FSX on Drive D because I prefer their scenery. X-Plane shows roads starting and ending in fields, and small roads look like motorways. Then Xplane adds buildings next to roads. Resulting in non stop Houses stretching from East to West coast, North to South.
Derby (UK) also resembles Venice with lakes and rivers everywhere.

FSX with ORBX Central set to Europe, FSX Limiter set to 30 frames on my Nvidia 560TI,
FSX Booster on Direct X10.0 (And also tested on FX 9.0)
I set up Plan G v3.1.1 Locations for FSX and X-plane, Scenery.cfg and additional scenery locations added.

FSX Connections set to SimConnect (Plan G Manual Page 24).
LocalHost and Pipe 0

UserAC Display F6 ticked
Refresh rate 5 (and 3)
Map Sync set
Trail cleared and colour Magenta width 3 and refresh 3 set
VFR code 1200
Traffic nil/ Weather nil/Check for updates done/Language En
MapQuest OSM

Still no User AC visible. Plan G is almost useless without the User AC visible.

Forums searched PlanG/Mutleys Hangar/FSX/X-plane Nothing useful discovered

I read the Plan G Manual again. Page 121 para 17.2.3 Refers to FSUIPC4. I checked that it was on the PC and in the correct location.
I searched the forums for info on SimConnect. What little info there was, needed an IT programmer to interpret.
Finally, after a good night's sleep, I deleted all FSUIPC files, downloaded the latest updates and installed in recommended locations (Drive C!)

It worked!! Plan G had it's User AC back. I did a test flight with A Grumman Goose and the dreaded "Out of Memory" message appeared while I was still taxiing to the Runway!!

FSX Limiter seems to have failed. I re-installed FSX Limiter, adjusted the Virtual memory settings and tried again. Although the Limiter now worked up to a maximum of 30FPS I only Managed 24 miles before running out of memory.

So I tried to use FSX Booster but it no longer shows the setup page.

I deleted FSX Booster, downloaded, installed an updated version. It works. I set it to Direct X 10 and minimised everything. Plan G AC has vanished again.
I minimised memory usage on FSX Options and tried again. I ran out of memory after 7 miles.

After 7 days, 0900 to 1700, I am no further forward. 
I wonder if there is a clash between FSUIPC and FSX Booster? Or Java?

I checked the performance of my primary drive.
(Control panel/System and Security/review computer status/view performance information)
This was rated at 7.6 and new rating is 5.9 since adding or updating FSUIPC/Java/ FPS Limiter/Plan-G/FSX Booster.

Unfortunately I cannot see how to rate the performance of Drive D.

After defragging Drive C and D the primary disk rating was still 5.4

There appears to be a problem with FSX Limiter in as much as I made a copy of the FSX startup file and placed it on my Desktop, where it refuses to work. After several attempts I deleted the copy and use the Application folder version direct.

BUT JOY at last!! I managed a complete test flight from ETUO to EDDF in a Grumman Goose without running out of memory, with FPS limiter registering 24 to 30 FPS, and Plan G showing the User aircraft!!

I hope this detailed account will help your readers and I look forward to reading their helpful comments.

About Me:  71 years old, single male, disabled. Ex-RAF Air Traffic Control assistant. Computer user since 1982. I prefer to use Linux Mint for added security. However I could not get X-plane installed under Linux. FSX under VirtualBox and Linux Mint is too slow.

The nearest PCPilots appear to live in Nottingham. None in Derby. A shame as Virtual Flying has taught me Geography, Languages, Mathematics, Science, and – when the engines failed – even Religion!!