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Messages - gaab

Plan-G / Re: 3.1.3 beta/test build - 113
October 21, 2015, 11:45:05 AM
They call me "Stubborn"   ::)

Kml not showing - next episode ;)

As I noticed that kmz files were showing on Map, so I just zipped my kml file, changed the extension to kmz "et voilà", like US people would say, it worked as expected.

I retried to load the kml (text version), this time nothing special in the log file  :-\

Hope this helps.


Plan-G / Re: 3.1.3 beta/test build - 113
October 20, 2015, 05:18:03 PM
Quote from: gaab on August 17, 2015, 11:58:04 AM
Quote from: tim arnot on August 16, 2015, 11:11:42 AM
I'll look at it :)

Forgot to mention that I am using FSUIPC connection on the same PC as FSX (Windows 7 64bits).


I tried to provide you more info.

1 - StartUp of Plan-G, Map showing Airports
2 - StartUp of FXS - before any connection suddenly all airports, etc disappear for map
3 - Close and start of Plan-G - without any further action, Map  shows airports, etc... !
4 - connection to Fsx, after loading a free flight, I get the "user aircraft" on map
5 - quit Fsx - airports, etc disappear ...
6 - Quit Plan-G
7 - Start Up PlanG - Airports re-appear
8 - Start FSX - Airports disappear - load a free flight
9 - Quit and Restart Plan-G - Airports reappear ...
10 - Connect - User Aircraft appears ..

Nothing special in the Log File... (attached)

Any schedule for an updated Beta ?

Plan-G / Re: 3.1.3 beta/test build - 113
October 18, 2015, 06:57:21 PM
I am using the 3.1.3 beta version, and I have the same problem than in 3.1.2.

I still cannot display some very simple kml files, just showing the track of AI boats. Would be so great to be able to display them in order to know were to look to find  them.

Hereafter the code of one : anything I could simply modify in the kml file which causes this strange display (Plan-G switches to Zoom 17, Lat N0° 0' / W0° 0' ) ?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<kml xmlns="">
            -1.5573677322864, 45.06806241250483, 0
            -1.919538682889996, 44.21961669269761, 0

In order to cross check with the "reference", I tried to display the official sample kml file from Google, with no result  :(

I just found this at the end ogf the log file

19:30:32.6 <.ctor>b__3 NotificationMessageAction: OKml: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Une exception a été levée par la cible d'un appel. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: Un objet qui autorise la valeur Null doit posséder une valeur.
   à System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException(ExceptionResource resource)
   à Plan_G3.Model.KML.ReadKMLFile(String theFile, Map theMap)
   à Plan_G3.ViewModel.MainViewModel.<ShowKML_Executed>b__27(String callbackFileName)
   --- Fin de la trace de la pile d'exception interne ---
   à System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor)
   à System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.UnsafeInvokeInternal(Object obj, Object[] parameters, Object[] arguments)
   à System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.UnsafeInvoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
   à System.Delegate.DynamicInvokeImpl(Object[] args)
   à System.Delegate.DynamicInvoke(Object[] args)
   à GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Messaging.NotificationMessageWithCallback.Execute(Object[] arguments)
   à GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Messaging.NotificationMessageAction`1.Execute(TCallbackParameter parameter)
   à Plan_G3.MainWindow.<.ctor>b__3(NotificationMessageAction`1 fileMsg)

Plan-G / Re: 3.1.3 beta/test build - 113
August 17, 2015, 11:58:04 AM
Quote from: tim arnot on August 16, 2015, 11:11:42 AM
I'll look at it :)

Forgot to mention that I am using FSUIPC connection on the same PC as FSX (Windows 7 64bits).

Plan-G / Re: 3.1.3 beta/test build - 113
August 15, 2015, 05:40:29 PM

There is still this annoying disappearance of all airports, NDB, VOR, Isec (but not ILS/LOC, which stay visible...) when closing FSX before disconnecting Plan-G...
I have to unclick/click the select box to get them back (even after restarting FSX and connecting).

I know I should do it in the right order, but I always forget...

Please, could you do something for me :)
Plan-G / Re: Translations (French / German)
August 07, 2015, 01:15:22 PM
Quote from: tim arnot on August 07, 2015, 08:19:33 AM
Range = distance you will travel to reach the altitude (or ground)

In fact my question was about the repeated "range" on the "Glide/Descent Altitude" tooltip. I was wondering if it was intentional - and in that case I was missing something ;) - or not...
Plan-G / Re: Translations (French / German)
August 05, 2015, 11:37:24 PM
Quote from: Birdy.dma on August 02, 2015, 02:25:54 PM
Planned Altitude: Altitude sélectionnée.

Revision proposal for Planned : I would use "Prévu" instead of "Sélectionné" to be consistent with the existing 3.2 translation.

Planned Altitude Altitude prévue
Show Planned Altitude Afficher l'altitude prévue
Shows an arc in front of the user aircraft where it will reach the planned altitude. Affiche un arc devant l'avion à la position où il atteindra l'altitude prévue.
Planned Altitude. Shows range to altitude at current climb/descent rate. Altitude prévue. Affiche la distance pour atteindre l'altitude prévue au taux actuel de montée/descente.
Glide/Descent Altitude. Use this to show glide or descent range range when in level flight. Plan de descente/Altitude cible. A utiliser pour afficher la pente ou la distance depuis le niveau de vol actuel
Glide/Descent Rate. Use this to show glide or descent range when in level flight (0 = disabled). Plan de descente/Taux cible. A utiliser pour afficher la pente ou la distance depuis le niveau de vol actuel (0 = désactivé).

I also have some difficulty to understand what is "glide or descent range range (?) when in level flight"...

Plan-G / Airports on map disapear
July 28, 2015, 11:41:25 PM

Most of the time, when FSX close down while Plan-G is connected (via FSUIPC), airports disapear from the map, but ILS/LOC are still shown.
To make them re-appear (after or not reconnection to a running FSX), I have to untick/tick the check boxes on the Map Tab.

If I disconnect before FSX shut down, everything works as expected.

For your information (next release ?).

Thanks - Gérard

I positioned a plane just in the middle of the runway.

FSX gives N 45°24.08' - E 6° 37.45"

When I set the cursor where the plane is shown on PlanG map I get almost the same result : N 45°24'04.75" - E 6°37'03.28" - normal incertainty due to the size of the plane icon - I am at maxi zoom.

The Airport is shown at 45,39833 - 6,62717 (from information dialog)

Hope it helps.

Thank you - Gérard
Plan-G / Re: Crashes of Plan-G
April 16, 2015, 02:01:35 PM

Just in case...  I remember to have faced FSX freeze and PlanG high CPU usage with option Meteo on.

You can find the details here

May be not relevant at all, but who knows...

My 2 cents


Sorry to report this discrepency. I rebuilt the database to be sure it was not linked to scenery modification.
PlanG gives  Lat 45,39833, Lon: 6,62717  (N 45°23' 53.99" - E 6°37'38.39")

The same airport is seen by VfrFlight on the right spot (N 45°24'5.6" - E 6°37'28.7")...

Let me know if I can help to address the problem.

My configuration : Window 7 64 bits, FSX acceleration, FTX Global, OpenLC Eu, FTX Vector, REX4 with Soft clouds, DX10 scenery fixer.
On the area concerned Mesh Alp38 and Scenery Barre des Ecrins.


It would be great to be able to express the glide slope in degrees, and not only in ft/min which depends on the speed.

We could get that way a visual indication on the map of where will be the TOD.

That would be great plus to an already excellent product.


I have installed FTX Global Base + FTX Global Vector.

Since, I have noticed small offsets between FSX (see exemple - GPS view) and Plan-G, on a lot of small airports (tests made in Idaho area).

I have refreshed the NAV database after installation.
I have set up the Scenery directory to C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\FSX.

Must I add other directories (in additional scenery location) ?

Plan-G / Enhancement suggestion
December 18, 2014, 09:42:37 AM
When connected to FSX, in Synchro mode, I suggest to maintain the aircraft inside a frame a little smaller than the actual window size, so that the aircraft is allway fully visible.

Thanks for your great application.


I just installed FSX Global + Vector + OpenLC Europ.

Thori (see my second post) is now on the same spot (coorectly placed inside Iceland) on both Plan-G and FSX.
Just for your information..

Any suggestion for the weather options problem ?
