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Messages - kneighbour

Plan-G / Add Fixes to system?
December 28, 2014, 01:19:13 AM
I would like to add Fixes to a flight plan. I would also like to add this function to the Find screen.  mainly fly IFR in X-Plane. but i am sure that this would be useful in VFR as well.
 I have noticed the same thing with X-Plane 10.31. I think the one I saw had a bigger difference to the one shown here. I was lining up for an approach and if I had used Plan-G for alignment I would have landed way off in the bushes. And by way off, I mean a nm or 2. The funny thing was, as I got closer to the strip, the difference became less. When I touched down, the map was perfectly aligned.

I also noticed that on the 4th leg of one flight plan the aircraft on the map was quite a long way off the flight plan line drawn on the map. The other 3 legs were perfect. I had sent the flight plan to the FMS in X-Plane, and it was flying it perfectly, so it was the map that was out, not the aircraft position (I am guessing).

It is not a big thing. I suspect the maps more than anything. Will try with a different map and see how it goes.
Plan-G / Re: New X-Plane user
December 23, 2014, 11:29:51 AM
Thanks - I would never have found that Clear button!!

And I finally found the HSI - and it works very well!!  The descent bars are great.

All the other stuff - no problems. Loving this thing. I like the way I can just pump it into XP with a couple of mouse clicks. Entering stuff into the XP GPS is a real pain.

Many thanks.
Plan-G / Re: New X-Plane user
December 22, 2014, 10:29:43 PM
After using Plan-G for a little while, and having read the manual, I still have a couple of questions

1. The manual mentions a HSI. Is there a HSI in Plan-G that I am unaware of? It sounds like a very useful function if that is the case, but cannot find it.

2. The manual also mentions that you can right-mouse on an airport and select an instrument approach. I tried at several airports that had instrument approaches (ie YBBN) and the option did not show on the menu.

I am using X-Plane 10.31 - perhaps this function does not work with X-Plane?  Again, this sounds like a very good option if available.

3. I have found that the airport information boxes do not list the actual runway headings, only the runway designations (which can be a fair bit off). Can I suggest that for a future update, if possible, can we show this information.

4. The radio stack has a few command issues. Or perhaps it is just me. You can only toggle the radio/nav active buttons once. ie you cannot switch the active frequencies back an forth. The autopilot buttons do not seem to follow the autopilot buttons on the aircraft.

BTW, I am using Plan-G V3.1.1.94, which is the latest.
Plan-G / New X-Plane user
December 21, 2014, 09:58:07 PM
I have just 'found' Plan-G after a lot of searching. Bit weird that it took me months to locate this excellent program. I have just a couple of simple questions.

Can you clear the tracks from the screen. After you do a few flights, the nice tracks that show where you have been become quite cluttering. I could not find a clear button.

Can you include SIDs/STARs in the flight plan?

I actually do not want to do too many flight plans - I mainly want to use the program as a moving map and airport information resource. ie finding out airfield elevation, alignment and QNH. Perhaps even Bearing To, etc. I do a lot of flying using FS Economy and fly to a lot of small airports. This is formation is good to obtain from a single source like Plan-G.

Excellent program. I have been using EFASS, but this seems better.