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Messages - DanielMan

Cockpit Chatter / open flightmaps
April 08, 2016, 10:17:23 AM
Hi Together

Sorry I posted it in the wrong forum....

There is now a very prilliant project online called "open flightmaps"!
Open flightmaps provides highly detailed VFR Charts and airspace data for real aviation.
The regions which are already online are: ED (Germany), LH (Hungary), LO (Austria), LS (Swiss).

Take a look by your self.....

@Tim: It would be a nice feature to directly import this airspace data provided by open flightmaps in one of the future versions!

Cockpit Chatter / Aquila A210 & A211 for X-Plane
December 08, 2015, 09:11:29 PM
Hello Together

I like to inform you about a new sport plane for X-Plane will come in 3 days!
It will be the Aquila A210 and A211G at Picus-X.

It's very much fun to fly with the real one, I'm confident the virtual version will bring a nice feeling too!

Have fun flying VFR
Marry Christmas
Plan-G / Feature request: seperate openair data importer
September 15, 2015, 12:22:22 PM
Hi Tim,

I tried to import airspace data from X-Plane. After import when I turn on the airspace data Plan-G craches. It looks like some data are corrupt on my german airspace file.
From the slowenian airspace file I have, the importer takes just 4 airspaces of more than 10.
The problem is, that this importer every time scans the total apt.dat too and this takes long time.

So is there a possibility to get the import for openair data files seperate. In this case it would be possible to load one file after another and it is easier to find the corrupt data file in short time.
Would be nice to have if possible  :)

Thank you very much for your efforts!

Hi Tim,

That sounds great!
Thank you very much for this great peace of software you are sharing with the community!

Will check the new beta....

Kind regards
Plan-G / Plan-G compatible airspace data format?
July 21, 2015, 06:57:00 AM

I'm currently writing a script in octave to convert openair airspace data into Plan-G compatible format.
The readout part is nearly finished but my problem is to understand the format for the Plan-G compatible file.

The first look's like type of airspace (which number for which airspace?)|Name|?|?|lowAlt|Lat|Lon|hightAlt|Lat|Lon| coords of all points|?|?|?

Please help me with the meaning of the numbers.

Thanks in advance