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Messages - Eagle Spirit

Plan-G / Re: FSX Fatal Error After PG Uninstall
June 21, 2015, 03:44:09 AM
Thanks Tim,

Seems this only happens with the Bear Studio J-15 Naval Flanker. I've uninstalled it. Actually I'm having an issue with Just Flight, who supply it. I didn't get the AC as advertised. The skin is incorrect, and the carriers and carrier missions aren't there as advertised. I personally feel it's a "bootlegged" version" which Just Flight is trying to sell off as the Naval version. In FSX AC selection it should show on a carrier deck, but instead shows in the air. Something smells here :o. I have emailed martin at Just Flight but he seems evasive. I'll probably need to file a complaint.

Thanks for input.

Plan-G / Re: FSX Fatal Error After PG Uninstall
June 19, 2015, 12:57:16 AM

This seems to be an issue w/Bear Studios J-15 Naval Fighter. Other AC seem to be cab able of Flt. Plan :)
Plan-G / FSX Fatal Error After PG Uninstall
June 19, 2015, 12:30:21 AM
After PG uninstall I can no long Plan a flight. Instead I get a "fatal error" and FSX restart When I hit "flight planner" FSX freezes up. Have Years in FSX building extensive scenery / AC on a system specifically built for FSX. i7 4770, SSD with designated FSX drive, Nvid 780 and more.

Needless to say, I'm sweat'n it out now! :o. I hope the support is good here :-\

TY, Eagle
Plan-G / How do I install / add FTX-Orbx scenery
March 01, 2015, 05:00:37 PM
Seriously considering this software. I watched a video which did a nice comprehensive overview. I was fine to the point where you add FSX and scenery, but below was a box to add other scenery, such as FTX/Orbx scenery.  How/what do we pit in the box? just write FTX or Orbx? ???. Sorry, but I'm a "noob". Just need some clarification before I DL this software.

Regards, Eagle