
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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Messages - A.Balashov

Hi All and Mr.Arnot

I had the same problem.
It mights be that my solution could help to everybody.
So I have Win7 and Save Export Load did not work after Plan-G installation.
I got ShowDialog() = false.
What I have done:
1) I updated Framework .Net (it was no effect after that)
2) I activated the option "to start as administrator" (no effects again)
3) I activated "compatibility with Windows XP SP3" option.
OOOPS. It works now! Dialog's windows are opened.

This is from my Log-file.
21:41:50.3 Calling ShowDialog() C:\Users\Penguin\Documents\Plan-G Files

Best Regards,
Dr. Balashov