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Messages - MackemSam

Much appreciated, Roman. See, I knew it'd be something!  ;) In all seriousness, thank you. In the real world I'm so used to prodding my GPS screen and off I go that it's years since I had to actually do some maths first. Right, I'm off to have another go at JUMKI.

Kind Regards,
Brilliant, Alex! Much appreciated. I managed to add your cabins waypoints to my Plan G today and they're all in there where they ought to be...some days I amaze even myself.  ;)
I hope you'll forgive me for asking, and apologies in advance as this is likely due to operator error, ie: me! I'm new to Plan G and have been attempting to add a user waypoint to my map. The actual process is simplicity itself however, once activated, the waypoint displays in the wrong position, which I presume has something to do with how I entered the Lat/Lon data.

The waypoint in question:

JUMKI, which is a REP-PT on the departure from Wrangell (PAWG), Alaska. I have a couple of sets of data for JUMKI, but they all display incorrectly in Plan G: The Level Island Two Departure plate for PAWG lists JUMKI as being at N56* 28.34' W132* 25.33' whereas MyAviationInfo Navigation Fixes puts JUMKI at 56-28-20.410N 132-25-19.540W, and openNav shows JUMKI at Latitude 56° 28' 20.41" N Longitude 132° 25' 19.54" W (it's in the correct position on their map here: namely, in the water of the bay just to the west of PAWG).

Trouble is, if I enter any of those sets of co-ordinates in Plan G, when JUMKI shows on my map, it's located south-south east of Wrangell on top of a 2930 foot high mountain, and as you're supposed to be able to overfly JUMKI at 1000 feet, that can't be correct; I'm using for my Sectional. I've tried entering the data like this (using the Lat data as an example): either as 56.2834 or 56.2820410, but both give the same, ie: wrong, results.

My question is this, how do input the Lat/Lon data so I get JUMKI to display in its correct location?

Many thanks in advance for any assistance you're able to offer.

Kind Regards,