
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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Messages - JessicaLampe

Hi Tim, thank you!

I copied the files in the "X-Plane 10\Custom Data\GNS430\airspaces" folder. But I have to change the Platzrunden.txt, because there are some special characters which X-Plane don't like ;-) If someone has a complete changed file, please let me know.

Where is the download link of the Plan-G Beta? I found/installed only the final build version v3.1.2.101

Ok, I will wait for this feature in your great software!  ;) :D

I have an additional question/feature request:
Is it possible to integrate/show also the "Traffic Circuit" for VFR flights?

Here is the file of the German Traffic Circuits f.e.:

That would be great!!!  :)
The link above don't work anymore...  :( Has someone the VFR-Points for Switzerland?

From my side the same question again:
Did you know, when it will be possible to import the "OpenAir format text files" for the airspace information?

It is already possible to define/use this format in X-Plane/GPS ,,X-Plane 10\Resources\GNS430\airspaces\usa.txt"
