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Messages - mat


i'm a newbie, because of this:

  • task is, to create snippet-files for STARs and SIDs for each airport
  • so depending on the weather, it is possible to select the current STAR or SID quickly, to create a current fligthplan
  • to create a snippet file, i marked the lines in a special flightplan, for creating a snippet file, and store it. this works well
  • but now the problem: if i insert the snippet file in a standard flightplan (without SID and STAR), the waypoints of the snippet file has the reverse order
  • i tried to store the waypoints of the snippet file in the reverse order, but the result in the flightplan is the same
  • after some try, i've found a tricky solution: before insert the snippet file, make a reverse order of the standard flightplan, than insert the snippet file behind the right waypoint, than make once more a reverse order of the flightplan, to get the origin order
  • this solution works, but is there a better way?

i'm using the current version of plan g. - thanks for help and especially for plan g.
