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Messages - Moth43

Thanks Brian
I tried again, but this time did not press the FSX "Find Route" button & the aircraft GPS showed the correct Plan-G3 track & the Baron is following it as I write
Much delight.

I worked through the tutorial & created a plan for a flight from Carlisle to Blackpool, with some zig zags along the way .
Exported it to FSX.
Opened FSX Flight Plans & it was there, so I loaded it.
Noticed that in FSX, when I clicked on the "Find Route" button, it brought up a map that showed Carlisle to Blackpool as a straight line flight path. ie, the zig zag way-points were missing.
I started the flight anyway & connected Plan-G3 to FSX & the flight track of the Cessna showed up on the Plan-G3 map, but it was flying GPS down a straight line path from Carlisle to Blackpool.

Any thoughts on what I am doing wrong between Plan-G3 & FSX so that the way-points are lost on the FSX Map???

Plan-G3 is a great resource, would like to get better at using it.
Quote from: tim arnot on July 19, 2015, 09:33:44 AM
Work your way through the tutorial, starting on page 106 would be a good start - it goes through most of the basics. :)

Thanks Tim
At first glance the Plan-G3 162 page manual looks very comprehensive & a lot of it is currently beyond my navigating knowledge level.

I have FSX DX10 & wonder if someone can help me with the following request.

I would like to:
(a) Create a flight plan map in Plan-G3 for a flight from Monterey, Ca, to Lake Tahoe Ca.
(b) "Draw" the flight path on the map.
(c) Export the map to FSX Flight Planner, [FP], & have the FSX FP adopt it to the point where the FSX GPS & AP will follow the Plan-G3 flight path
(d) Be able to consult the Plan-G3 map during the flight & view whereabouts the aircraft is on the map. [How does one view the map from within  FSX while flying??]

Page references or  specific advice on these points would be appreciated. (a) to (d) are basically a set of "how to??" queries

Thank you