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Messages - Stargazer

Plan-G / Map delays & User Paths
March 10, 2016, 11:38:01 PM

After actual blood and tears, I finally found a way to overcome Virgin Mediocre's rotten hardware shortfalls and I now once again have both internet access as well as a LAN that allows Simconnect traffic. I made my first flight on the new setup and had Plan-G track the flight over the network from start to finish.

It's an impressive bit of software and I look forward to delving into it further to take it beyond 'just' flight tracking. I did notice though, that by the end of my flight, roughly 2.5 hours, the Plan-G marker for my aircraft was behind what I was doing in FSX. Given that I plan to use Plan-G for VFR to help me with flying airspace a little more realistically, this would be a potential hazard. I see a few people have mentioned 'lag', especially when ICAO overlay is active. Whilst I accept that the overlay is a big one, the program doesn't appear to struggle and the PC running it experiences no other problems so I'm hoping this is something configurable. Any insight from anyone would be appreciated.

On this subject, I found an older thread where someone said "I have found that if the leg on the Flight Plan is highlighted prior to the actual leg you are flying, the system will eventually synchronize itself." but I'm afriad I don't really understand. I also had not loaded a flightplan in Plan-G so even if I think I half an idea what that quote is saying, I'm not sure how I'd go about it.

Secondly, and this is a silly question, is there a keyboard shortcut to clear the user aircraft path? I eventually found the button buried deep in the options but this is several mouse clicks in and it feels very out-of-the-way. A toolbar, menubar or some other quick access command would be great if one existed.

Many thanks,

Plan-G / Re: New to Plan-G, Experiencing some problems
February 05, 2016, 11:13:31 PM
Hi Tim,

Thanks for your support. I copied the files over and had a few problems getting them to take. A bit of light searching revealed that I needed to patch the .net framework to make the overlays appear. Got that sorted.

However... It would appear that Virgin Media have completely shafted me in that I can no longer properly forward ports to my PC's and that whether I do or don't do this, nothing will connect.

My LAN works fine, I can ping from one machine to the other, but as soon as ports get involved, things take a nosedive. I fear that I'll never again get anything to work netoworked from flight sim (or much else) ever again. VM have no interest in fixing this as they consider their hub to be working fine. I've tried explaining that until they swapped it out for the new one, everything worked but as far as they're concerned, it is working fine.

Given that nothing has changed on either PC, and all of a sudden the old GE Tracker won't establish a link and now Plan-G is unable to as well, it all points to VM's disgraceful excuse for a router.

This is highly disappointing. Thanks anyway.
Plan-G / Re: New to Plan-G, Experiencing some problems
February 04, 2016, 11:51:15 PM
One tiny step closer, but still far to go...

I have deduced that in order for addon scenery to be scanned, each individual scenery folder for each individual addon needs to be added as a location. I've done this and I'm a little closer to what is being acheived on the primary machine. The secondary is still falling over in the same spot.

I checked the log file and it appears that it is having trouble finding a file. Which one, I have no idea, but I have attached the log in case it helps someone with a bit more know-how point me in the right direction. It has to be something simple I'm doing wrong, but I can't see what it is.

Thanks in advance,

Plan-G / New to Plan-G, Experiencing some problems
February 04, 2016, 08:35:35 PM

I have been running a two PC setup where my primary runs FSX and my secondary runs FSXGET that plugs into GoogleEarth to my display my position in realtime as well as traffic in my area. Very useful. But after a router upgrade, I can no longer get it to work. This boggles me greatly as I can't figure out why this is, but it has led me to research alternatives and thus, I've discovered the existence of Plan-G which looks fairly epic.

I have my FSX installation directory shared on my LAN. I have downloaded the Win-XP version and installed it on my Secondary PC. I have then pointed Plan-G to this network location for both 'FSX Program' and 'FSX Scenery.cfg' (\\PrimaryPC\FlightSimX) with the addition of my addon scenery folder (\\PrimaryPC\FlightSimX\Addon Scenery) and asked it to build a database.

It seems to do okay until it gets to 'Writing 70927 airways' at which point it hangs terminally. I've attempted uninstalling and reinstalling but this had no effect. As a test, I ran the Win7 version on my primary pc where FSX is installed and it wrote the database really quickly with no glitches or hang-ups. What I found interesting, was that right at the start of the database build on the primary, it actually did a proper scan through of my addon scenery; I could see it referencing the areas by name, something my secondary machine didn't do when it was told to build the Plan-G database. Another interesting point to note was that the number of airways being written on the primary was higher than on secondary.

I then tried copying my database files from primary and writing them over the files on secondary, but Plan-G wasn't fooled by this and it is still having a hard time getting itself sorted.

I havn't yet tried to get the network GPS tracking working. I figured I should go one step at a time. I can see some helpful guides here and I will be sure to try them for when I get that far. But if someone could help me get over this first hurdle, I would be ever so grateful.

Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help expediate getting to the bottom of this. Having a live GPS tracker on a networked machine has become so useful to me, I'm almost desperate to get it back.

Many thanks,
