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Messages - Lukas Kergl

Plan-G / Re: Red Cross for hospitals
November 28, 2013, 10:24:16 PM
 :'( :'( :'( No replies and no red cross in the new version  :'( :'( :'(
Plan-G / Red Cross for hospitals
November 16, 2013, 02:42:28 PM

is it possible to add a red cross for hospitals in the categories of the userwaypoints at one of the next updates?
That would be nice for all EMS helicopter pilots...

Plan-G / Re: Vatsim Problem
December 07, 2012, 12:16:04 PM
OK, reinstall Build 50 as Admin. Now all is running fine. Thanks a lot for help...    ;D ;D ;D
Plan-G / Re: Vatsim Problem
December 07, 2012, 10:10:39 AM

Thank you for your help.
When i turn off traffic in Plan-G i cant see any other plane. Only myself...

Here another two pictures to show that the MP Traffic shown as red Airplanes.


At the time in VatSy:

Plan-G / Re: Vatsim Problem
December 06, 2012, 12:13:26 PM
My red airplanes are online traffic, that´s shure. I can see it also on FSinn Radar and F9 self with the right callsigns etc.

When i turn off the AI-Traffic in FS9 i also can see the red (online)planes in Plan-G.  When i connect Plan-G only with Vatsim i see no planes, when i connect it with FS9 and Vatsim i have the picture shown before.  :-\
Plan-G / Vatsim Problem
December 05, 2012, 10:59:39 PM

i have a Problem with the Vatsim connection. I install FS9 and Plan-G new on Win7 64bit.
When i start FS9 (with Fsuipc) and Plan-G, i click on "connect" and  on "Vatsim". Then i see my Plane and the other pilots on Vatsim. But they always shown in red and the flight information are always the same for each plane (see picture).  The departure and destination airports are unreadable.

In FS9 and in the radar from FSinn all shown normal.
Any idea?

Sorry for my bad english... :-[


Plan-G / Re: Only 37 data records?
August 21, 2010, 09:36:04 AM
Here is my vrp.mdb  - maybe somowone want to test it.  :o

Some Hospital´s and Heliports in Austria and Bavaria.

Plan-G / Re: Only 37 data records?
August 17, 2010, 02:21:19 PM

no error in the log. Only what i postet before. Maybe somthing with the database is incorrect? I work on MSAccess with it.

Plan-G / Re: Only 37 data records?
August 12, 2010, 08:39:36 AM
Nobody an Idea????
Plan-G / Only 37 data records?
August 05, 2010, 01:37:31 PM

everytime when i  click on "Manage Database" Plan-G finishes completly.

When i reduce the VRP-database under 37 data records everything is OK and i can export the database.
Indifferent which data records i use.....

For normaly use, Plan-G works fine with more then 37 data records.


14:29:31 PlanG constructor
14:29:31 executableFolder: E:\FS2004\Plan-G
14:29:31 Starting Plan-G, build
14:29:32 FS9 is installed
14:29:32 FS9 database is built
14:29:32 FSX is installed
14:29:32 FSX database is built
14:29:32 Selected data set is FSX
14:29:37 Starting map
14:29:37 Initialisation complete.
14:29:37 Initializing Jump List
14:29:37 Clearing progress bar
14:29:37 Checking PLN file registration
14:29:37 Checking command line
14:29:37 Command line. Length = 1 args = E:\FS2004\Plan-G\Plan-G.exe,

Any Idea?


Sorry for my bad english....
Plan-G / Re: What I would like to see and a little help
December 05, 2009, 08:50:33 PM
Thats it.... Thanks a lot.
But i think it´s a litte Bug,i think it should work with a direct selection too, or not?

Plan-G / Re: What I would like to see and a little help
December 05, 2009, 03:33:17 PM
Quote from: ilovetofly on December 05, 2009, 02:55:25 AM
Thanks Tim, I'll give it a go.
I seem to experience another issue, and that is on opening the "Find" window and selecting 'User Waypoints' the waypoint isn't found, or rather the waypoint doesn't center on the map. It worked with the 'Find Airport' selection.
Jim D.


i have the same Problem. But i dont know a Anwser. Any Idea?

Sorry, my english is not very good... :(
