Here why I need to rebuild every time!!!!!
Sample of my Plan-G_log.txt
13:52:04 Error saving VOR IHL: Unknown
SQL = INSERT INTO VORsX (Latitude, Longitude, Identifier, [Name], Variation, Elevation, Frequency, Range, Owner, LocHeading, LocWidth, GsLatitude, GsLongitude, GsElevation, GsRange, DMELatitude, DMELongitude, DMEElevation, DMERange, Flags, Region) VALUES (-45.9235854819417,170.209473073483,'IHL','ILS 03',335,3,110.3,27.00918,'NZDN',56,5.944264,-45.9332444518805,170.191649794579,3,27.00918,0,0,0,0,13,'');
13:52:04 Error saving VOR IDN: Unknown
I'ts seem not be able to write the database !??!%!%!%?!%
Help! ??? ???
Sample of my Plan-G_log.txt
13:52:04 Error saving VOR IHL: Unknown
SQL = INSERT INTO VORsX (Latitude, Longitude, Identifier, [Name], Variation, Elevation, Frequency, Range, Owner, LocHeading, LocWidth, GsLatitude, GsLongitude, GsElevation, GsRange, DMELatitude, DMELongitude, DMEElevation, DMERange, Flags, Region) VALUES (-45.9235854819417,170.209473073483,'IHL','ILS 03',335,3,110.3,27.00918,'NZDN',56,5.944264,-45.9332444518805,170.191649794579,3,27.00918,0,0,0,0,13,'');
13:52:04 Error saving VOR IDN: Unknown
I'ts seem not be able to write the database !??!%!%!%?!%
Help! ??? ???