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Messages - alexf

Plan-G / Re: Avsim Award winner!
May 07, 2013, 01:26:17 AM
Cockpit Chatter / Re: satellite maps in Plan-G
February 22, 2013, 10:56:12 AM
A good topographic map would be great!
Go to File tab
Click Open
Change the dropdown at the bottom right from *.plg to *.pln
Navigate t the folder with the file(s) you want
Select a plan file and click Open

Plan-G / Re: NETframework VER 4
January 01, 2013, 12:47:57 PM
The program may not be checking if you have it.  Just ignore the issue, that's what I did.
If it turns out you do not have it (as many people yet don't), these are just the Net4 runtimes. You can reinstall Plan G or get the runtimes from Microsoft. NBD.
Plan-G / Re: Build 51 CTD
December 23, 2012, 12:03:24 PM
I had that happen to me the first time I installed. Uninstalled v50, installed v51 and crash upon running it. Tried to run it 3 times. Same thing.,

Uninstalled v51 and reinstalled it. Works fine now. Must have been a glitch in the first installation. Dunno. No issues now.
Plan-G / Re: Plan G v3 Install location
August 24, 2012, 11:17:48 AM
How about C:\Plan-G ?
Works for me.
Plan-G / Re: OZ Airports
August 17, 2012, 01:33:17 AM
Plan-G / Re: Three worlds
July 06, 2012, 11:45:00 PM
No, no, no. What happens is that in V2 there are three. You use one for FS9, one for FSX and one for X-Plane. In V3 all this nonsense is out the door and there is only one, FSX, the true simulator.  ;)
Plan-G / Re: Script error when zooming in or out
December 15, 2010, 11:30:04 AM
I'm getting the same error when zooming in or out now.

[Update]: Just read the FAQ. Will apply MSFT fix.
Plan-G / Installed v2.0.1 over 2.0.0 - caveat
November 30, 2010, 12:32:25 AM
Great work Tim! (sorry I couldn't work on this beta - too busy now that I got a paying job).

The download and install instructions in the download thread say to copy the \Data folder to other place when upgrading from 2.0 and then to overwrite this one back. You should point out to copy the \DEM folder too (if used). Too easy for people used to 0.9 and deleting the whole folder and losing the DEM files (guilty :-[)
Plan-G / Re: Teaser
August 08, 2010, 11:59:26 AM
Really nice looking Tim! Whenever it's ready will be fine.
Plan-G / Re: Water Runways?
January 31, 2010, 08:14:13 PM
Then you might also consider Heliports only too.
The Reporting Point / Re: [Addon] alexf's POI file #2
January 30, 2010, 04:11:50 PM
Haven't noticed when I re-imported as a test. Will find the entries, fix and repost. Thanks.
The Reporting Point / [Addon] alexf's POI file #2
January 29, 2010, 01:00:21 PM
Contains more point of interest and obstacles, mainly in Australia (Orbx's FTX), but a few in other parts of the world.
You can safely import the CSV file into Plan-G. If the import process finds any duplicates it will skip the new entries so no harm done.