
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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Messages - larshgf

Plan-G / Re: My airports have disappeared?
June 21, 2011, 09:39:17 PM
Thank you Tim, problem solved!
Plan-G / Re: My airports have disappeared?
June 21, 2011, 05:08:22 PM
I have downloaded and installed SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 and rebuild the FSX database. Unfortunately without solving the problem.
Plan-G / Re: My airports have disappeared?
June 21, 2011, 01:42:38 PM
I have installed a few think. Picassa (Google) for sure. I have uninstalled Picassa now.

Sorry to trouble you again but Which of these shall I download and install??

SQL Server Compact Downloads
On this page:

    * Downloads for SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2
    * Downloads for SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP1
    * Downloads for SQL Server Compact 3.5
    * Downloads for SQL Server Compact 3.1

And how do I uninstall the old SQL server. I cant find it in the ControlPanel Remove program section??
Plan-G / Re: My airports have disappeared?
June 21, 2011, 11:38:27 AM
There are a few lines with obvious errors, but I'm not able to solve the problem looking at these. I have attached the log-file. Hope it is OK
Plan-G / Re: My airports have disappeared?
June 21, 2011, 01:47:45 AM
Unfortunately this does not help anything. I have tried to reinstall Plan-G and to build the fsx database again without luck.
Plan-G / My airports have disappeared?
June 20, 2011, 10:57:33 PM
My airports on the Plan-G map seems to have disappeared!
The FSX database has been created and a few days ago the airports where there. I have off course tagged all the airports to be shown!
Any suggestions?
Plan-G / Re: SimConnect problem
May 23, 2011, 09:25:33 AM
Thanks Tim, I will go home ans asure that I run Plan-G and FSX with adminisdtrators privileges allthough I think I allready do so.
If it does not work could I - even if I use Windows 7 on both machines - try to use the IPv4 protocol instead?
Plan-G / Re: SimConnect problem
May 22, 2011, 08:52:58 PM
Hi Tim, could will you please check that I have done the setup properly?

1) I run IPConfig on my desktop FSX-PC
2) I use the "link-local-IPv6 address" = fe80::e1c4:75a3:c90e:501b  (the one for my Ethernet-LAN-connection !)
3) I create this simconnect.xml file and put it in the same folder as FSX.cfg

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252" ?>
<SimBase.Document Type="SimConnect" version="1,0">

4) The folder containing the FSX.exe and the folder containing the scenery.cfg are given permission for ALL users.

5) On my laptop with the plan-G program I go to Options|Locations. First I locate the FSX.exe by browsing and choosing the FSX.exe. Then I locate the scenery.cfg file by browsing and choosing this file.

6) Then in Option|FS Connection I have these parameters:
Connect with: Auto
Network Mode: IPv6
FSX Computer: fe80::e1c4:75a3:c90e:501b
Server Port/Pipe: 4506

7) I have cutt-off the firewall on my laptop with Plan-G
    I have cutt-off the antivirus program AVG on my laptop with Plan-G

Is something missing here??

Best Regards

Plan-G / Re: SimConnect problem
May 21, 2011, 10:21:02 PM
I am putting the FS-PC's link-local address in the simconnect.xml and in the FS-conection option in Plan-G too. And the simconnect.xml is placed in the correct folder containing FSX.cfg too.
It is just a mystery why this is not working properly. Right now I'm a bit exhausted - I have to admit. I have the feeling it is a tiny little stupid error that is blocking the connection. But I must admit that life is too short for problems like that. Will WideFS help me here??
If not I will give this problem a break and maybee another time get down to it again. And hopefully some other time Plan-G will be a program I appreciate while flightsimming..... :-\
Plan-G / Re: SimConnect problem
May 21, 2011, 11:40:34 AM
Hi Tim,

Sorry to keep on bothering you with my questions. But I am very enthusiastic about your program and I'm eager to get Plan-G working on a seperate laptop.

Maybe the blocked connection has something to do with me LAN. My desktop FS-PC is cabled to the router and the network is named "Network 2". My laptop Plan-G PC has a wireless connection to the same router and this network called "HomeF". 
Looking at the details its a fact that "Network 2" and "HomeF" has 2 differen link-local-IPv6-addresses. Maybe that is a problem and does hinder the simconnect to work properly??As you wrote earlier connection problems basically boil down to one of three things:
1) The numbers don't match or are wrong in the xml and Plan-G configs [no problems here as far as I can see]
2) The simconnect.xml file is in the wrong place [placed in the scenery.cfg folder - that should be OK]
3) The connection is being blocked (user access rights, firewall, antivirus)

I think that item 3) is my problem. I dont know if you have some hints concerning the solution for firewalls and antivirus?. I have tried to turn of both without luck........

Finally - if the usual simconnect fails, will there be a chance that WideFS will make things function?

Best Regards
Lars F
Plan-G / Re: SimConnect problem
May 21, 2011, 05:31:11 AM
According to the Plan-G manual page 92 the IPv6 address used in the simconnect.xml:

QuoteTo find your Windows 7/Vista computer's IP address:

  • On the Start menu, right-click on 'Network'
  • Select properties, then click on the active connection ('Local Area Connection' or 'Wireless Connection' for example.
  • This brings up the 'Connection Status' dialog. Click on 'Details' and all your parameters are listed, including the IPv6 address, which always starts 'fe'.

We agree that this is correct?
Be sure that your Plan-G computer can "see" your FS-PC. The you have to built the database in Plan-G by pressing the FSX button.
Plan-G / Re: SimConnect problem
May 20, 2011, 05:17:24 PM
QuoteThe next thing to look at is the IPConfig output from the FS PC, to confirm that the IP address you are using is correct.

The IPConfig IPv6 address is changing everytime I start up my FS PC. According to the manual, the IP-address which must be used is the one you find on your FS-PC's LAN.
If you see the details of this LAN there is something called link-local-IPv6-Address and that is the one I have placed in the simconnect.xml and (off course) the one typed into the FS Connection option in Plan-G. Hopefully this is correct??

In the SimConnect log file no matches for "connect", "remote" or "Plan-G".
Plan-G / Re: SimConnect problem
May 20, 2011, 12:43:04 PM
Here is my Plan-G-log file.
I can't find the connection attempt in my SimCinnect0 file. Could you give me a small peace of text I can search for in this big file?
Plan-G / Re: SimConnect problem
May 20, 2011, 12:16:01 PM
I try to connect to FSX from my laptop but gets a timeout error. The first few lines in my log-file looks like this:

0.00000 SimConnect version 10.0.61259.0

0.01026 Server: Scope=local, Protocol=Pipe, Name=\\.\pipe\Microsoft Flight Simulator\SimConnect, MaxClients=64
0.01440 Server: Scope=local, Protocol=IPv6, Address=::1, Port=49836, MaxClients=64
0.01755 Server: Scope=local, Protocol=IPv4, Address=, Port=49837, MaxClients=64

0.19260 Panels data export found and set to 20B319D8
0.73560 DLL Loaded:  Path="Modules\FSUIPC4.dll"  Version=""
0.73820 Panels data export found and set to 20B319D8
1.30897 DLL Loaded:  Path="Modules\GPSModule.dll"  Version="<Unknown>"
> 2.95027 [ 0, 1]Open: Version=0x00000004  Name="FSUIPC4"

And the simconnect.xml file I made from looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252" ?>
<SimBase.Document Type="SimConnect" version="1,0">
  <Descr>SimConnect Server Configuration</Descr>

Does it give any clue to the solution of my simconnect - connection problem?

Could you use the Plan-G-log to find a solution?