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Messages - bernief

V4 Beta / Re: Plan G Version 4 in P3D V5
March 22, 2021, 04:44:02 AM
Hello Tim.

I have finally got SimConnect working. I followed your SimConnect.xml example on page 8 of the Quick Start Guide. Unfortunately you left out the final line of the document:


Once I put that in and changed the FS Connection Parameter to SimConnect 2 (FSX/MSFS), Plan G connected straight away.

Cheers Bernie
V4 Beta / Plan G Version 4 in P3D V5
March 21, 2021, 03:46:27 PM
Hello Tim.

I have been using Plan G with P3D v5 for some time. By and large it is pretty good but has a couple of irritating things that you may be able to fix.

When I generate a flight plan (.plg version) using intersections, I get a description saying E or T. In version 3, it used to generate a description "NAMED"". I know it is a small thing but what does E and T mean? See screenshot

Also when I go to File/Options/Locations and browse to the P3D v5 Scenery.cfg location and click on the .cfg file and press OK, the file location goes into the P3D Scenery.cfg dialogue box instead of the P3D v5 dialogue box. I then copy the location into the P3D v5 dialogue box to satisfy my reasoning that there should be something in that box. If I delete the entry in the P3D Scenery.cfg box, Plan G just crashes. See attached screenshot.

i am also having problems getting Plan G v4 to connect to a networked computer that has P3D on it using SimConnect. I have tried lots of different combinations of .xml files (I presume the UTF-8 encoding is the correct one I have attached a screenshot of one that I have tried. Do I also have to add a SimConnect,cfg file to the slave computer. If I do, what information is required?

Hoping you can fix these little enoying things.

Cheers Bernie
Plan-G / Plan G not displaying some KML or KMZ Files
November 30, 2015, 03:16:57 PM
Hi Tim

I have Plan G Version (w7/8) installed on two computers. One is my work computer and the other is my flight sim computer.

I have tried to open some of the Orbx supplied .KMZ files but they do not show on either computer. I have saved them into the My Documents/Plan-G Files folder on their respective computers. The files concerned are PNW, NCA, CRM, ENG, SCO, and WLS.

All the other files work fine.

I have tried saving the .KMZ files to .KML format using Google Earth but they do not show either. Naturally they all work in Google Earth.

Have you any idea what the problem is and is there a solution


Plan-G / Re: PFD
January 15, 2014, 02:00:03 PM
Quote from: tim arnot on December 27, 2013, 04:06:14 PM
They should certainly be there. I'll investigate, in case it's a bug...

Hi Tim.

Have you had a chance to look at this problem yet?


Plan-G / Re: PFD
December 28, 2013, 04:12:15 AM
Thank you Tim.


Plan-G / PFD
December 27, 2013, 02:39:59 PM
Hello Tim

I have been using version 2 of Plan-G for a while and got used to having 4 items diplaying in primary flight display. Of particular interest to me was the distance to the next waypoint.

Now that I am using version 3, these top and bottom displays no longer appear.

I notice in the File menu, there are options in the GPS Panel (I assume) to show items in the top and bottom of the GPS Panel but they do not show in the PFD.

Is it possible to be able to view this information at the top and bottom displays in the version 3 PFD?


Plan-G / Re: KML files, not able to display
December 16, 2010, 12:39:46 PM
Thanks Tim


Plan-G / Re: KML files, not able to display
December 16, 2010, 07:50:37 AM
I am also having this problem.

Can anyone help?

Are the OZX 3.3 and OZX NA 1.0 airports included in the latest build?

