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Messages - wernerhg

Plan-G / Re: Plan-G on Windows 8
February 20, 2014, 08:52:23 PM
just will it work when I apply all what is described for Window 7? Windows 8 is so far not mentioned in the manual and I do not want to spend some time for nothing.
Plan-G / Plan-G on Windows 8
February 14, 2014, 11:39:52 AM
before I try to make a network connection from my new HP Split x2 notebook running Windows 8.1 to my desktop with Windows 7 my question: is Plan-G Windows 8 ready?
If yes I will be happy, if no when will it be made ready?
Many thanks for a really good tool and regards.
Plan-G / MapQuest Open Aerial
April 06, 2013, 01:35:30 PM
Since short time I cannot see any information in the above mentioned Subject page, only get blue field with information: Exception: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found. This is the same on all zoom levels.
Have a clue???
Plan-G / Re: loading a pln g flight plan into fsx
October 21, 2012, 03:22:31 PM
simply export it in the fsx format wherever you want it on your hd.
Plan-G / Zoom & Airports
December 23, 2010, 05:45:39 PM
Hi Tim,

one thing I have noticed: I switch off all airports to have plan-g react faster when zooming, but whenever I zoom, all airports are on again which makes plan-g very low responsive. When I switch off the airports again and zoom, they are coming on again and again.
Cannot  this be changed to switch them on or off only once? I have a rather fast machine but this drives her and me crazy.
Plan-G / Map & FlightPlan
December 18, 2010, 06:40:27 PM
1.  when loading a flightplan created from FSX I do not see the Waypoint names with their frequencies for the VORs!?! Bad, because I also cannot print this flightplan from FSX so it is inconvenient to input the frequencies into the radios.
2.  the Map print preview only shows a black board!?! was working in previous version 1.x
has somebody a clue?

Plan-G / Stop running this script
October 11, 2010, 11:40:07 AM
after long time working properly I get annoyed endlessly by fault message "Stop running this script" again and again.
I was really happy with Plan-G so far but now I would like to throw it in the bin.
Any clues, I would like to continue working and not wait till the next version arrives.
Urgent help appreciated.