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Messages - Elington

Plan-G / Re: Slight magnetic heading discrepancy ?
January 04, 2011, 09:34:41 PM
Hello Tim,

That explains the 3° thanks. Yep the Mag Var indicated with the airport info panel is different from the area variation.
Hadn't noticed that before. I just checked randomly outside of PNW: for instance "3SD6" has a 0° variation with
respect to 9° (!) in the area and so Plan-G gives magnetic heading = true course when starting a flight from there.
Sorry to ask :-[ but is this something you can fix? Anyway I'll double check from now on.

Best regards,
Plan-G / Slight magnetic heading discrepancy ?
January 03, 2011, 11:02:24 PM
Dear Tim,

I do love Plan-G and use it a lot for dead reckoning. So lack of accuracy is generally my mistake  :)
However I noticed this last week-end:
Building a flight plan from "KNUW" direct to "S97" gave me a true course 96° and a magnetic heading 75° (no winds) while the magnetic variation is 18° or so at both airfields.
If I'm not mistaken the magnetic heading should be 96° - 18° = 78°  ??? (which is what I get from the built-in FSX planner). I'm using build 2.02.481.

Please tell me if I can help or am doing something wrong,
Best regards,
Plan-G / Re: Thanks !
November 27, 2010, 08:14:52 AM
Running on a networked FSX environment without a glitch.
The 0.9.1 was impressive already, this new one definitely deserves its "holy sh..t" description  :) 

Thank you very much for the hard work,
Plan-G / Re: 10 Minute Taxi previews Plan-G 2.0
November 06, 2010, 05:28:33 AM
"Holy sh..t"  :laugh:

Many thanks again for the great great work here.

Happy flying,
Cockpit Chatter / B-17 era navigation with Plan-G
June 24, 2010, 09:49:46 PM
Hi all,

I could not do without Plan-G now (thanks again to Tim). Of course the advanced features are sooo nice with Plan-G running on my laptop while connected to FSX on my main rig :)
However IMHO Plan-G shines too when used with old-fashioned navigation in mind!

Happy flying,
Cockpit Chatter / Re: absolutely outstanding job!
December 19, 2009, 04:38:20 PM
Same here  :)

Thanks a lot for this great piece of software. I'm running it on a laptop with a network connection through simconnect. This solved my "problem" with REX2: now I easily get information about the weather at the destination even when no ATIS is available.

Best regards,