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Messages - Robert Riley

Cockpit Chatter / Re: No Yellow Plane
June 04, 2016, 08:31:37 PM
Well after the post I got it to work.
Cockpit Chatter / No Yellow Plane
June 04, 2016, 02:59:48 PM
 This is my first post on this site. I have read all the posts and manuals that I can find but no matter what I do, no yellow plane shows up on the Plan G monitor. My computer specs.. Windows 10 Pro,X99 pro mother board, intel core i7 5930K processor and the  Geforce GTX Titan X. My FS is X plane 10 V and the Plan G V3.1.3.113. The Plan G program is great. Everything works great with x plane flight plans uploading to the x plane  530 GPS and the data transfer.  I am also  using 2 monitors. Both programs are running as administrator, and I have tried everyway possible in the FS connection tab in the Plan G program but nothing works. It is probably something simple that I am over looking but guys I sure could use some help on this one. Most of the posts that I have read deals with other flight sims and windows 7.
Thanks, Robert