
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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Messages - Rogals

Can someone confirm that Plan-G is currently working as I cant seem to connect at the moment but everything seems to be working ok.
Just need to know
Plan-G / Cant connect FSX Steam to Plan-G
June 22, 2016, 10:08:28 PM
Hi, I wonder if you can advise me. I have networked my computer with FSX steam to my laptop using SimConnect. Plan-g has loaded up all the data base so I know it has a connection between them but when I go to connect it just makes a "bong" noise and no connection. I'm running Win 7 on both computers. I'm also using the IPv4 protocol.
Can anyone advise me what I should try next, its driving me crazy. Thanks

UPDATE: I have now got it working.
Tip 1. Don't do the programming when your feeling tired
Tip 2. Double check every word and letter
Tip 3. Use the SimConnect tool mentioned elsewhere in the forum. It really does work