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Messages - wombat

Plan-G / Re: new version
January 20, 2015, 11:28:27 PM
Thanks Tim, I'll give it a go, I will get back here to let you know if all ok
Plan-G / new version
January 20, 2015, 09:42:28 AM
is Plan G ok for Win 8.1 with P3D 2.4?

I get a message asking me to update Plan G and when I get to the page it tells me 'Plan-G v3.1 for Microsoft Windows 8, 7 and Vista, FSX SP2,P3D 2.1, FS9 and X-Plane 9/10.' does not mention P3D .4.

I have ver, can I install this Plan-G (w7/8) without any problems?

Plan-G / Re: Plan G with P3D v2
January 15, 2014, 09:21:47 PM
Hi KDO_Snakebite,

You need to create an empty folder inside P3D v2 and call it FSX.exe then point P3D v2 to that folder.

Plan-G / Re: Translation
January 10, 2014, 08:42:25 AM

   Erlaubt, durch rührende Markierungen auf der Karte zu editieren.
Plan-G / Re: Plan G with P3D v2
January 10, 2014, 08:39:39 AM
C,mon Tim I asked if you could arrange it for me  ;D
Plan-G / Re: Plan G with P3D v2
January 09, 2014, 09:52:29 PM
I have not have time to try simconnect, but I do plan on trying sometime in the future, I need 36hours in a day,can you arrange that for me.  :)
Plan-G / Re: Plan G with P3D v2
January 09, 2014, 08:23:40 AM
Quote from: ontheair on January 09, 2014, 08:14:52 AM
[...] might give it a go later.

would you please Wombat let us know about your try ?

Do you use PG3 an P3D v2 on a network ? with a SimConnect.xml file with IPv4 or IPV6 Protocol, depending your remote PC's OS (XP or Vista/W7)? (PG3 manual page 109&110) ?

Does it work fine ?

In my case, PG3 works OK with FSX and P3D v1.4 but crashes to desktop as soon as I try to connect with P3D v2  >:( >:(?? The same SimConnect.xml file has been created and is located at the right place (Appdata\Roaming\Lockheed MArtin\Prepar3d v2). No doubt about that.

I'd like to know what could be wrong. Thanks

I did have a look at Splashtop 2, but it requires a monthly fee, did not like that idea.
Plan-G / Re: Plan G with P3D v2
December 20, 2013, 02:01:41 AM
Thanks Tim, I'll have a look at that
Plan-G / Re: Plan G with P3D v2
December 18, 2013, 11:25:14 PM
Quote from: tim arnot on December 18, 2013, 11:37:17 AM
Well you can, via a remote desktop app. But there's no separate app yet.

OK Tim, for me as a dummie how would I do that please?
Plan-G / Re: Plan G with P3D v2
December 18, 2013, 01:36:26 AM
Thank you for your reply Tim, the download page show up to Win 7, might give it a go later.

I also need to know if I can use it on an iPad?
Plan-G / Plan G with P3D v2
December 15, 2013, 12:02:48 AM
Hi Guys,

can I use Plan G with P3D v2 ?
Plan-G / Re: 2 monitors for FSX
September 02, 2011, 11:01:01 PM
Thanks FlyingAxx, I did mange to get a copy, but your link will help tom
Plan-G / 2 monitors for FSX
August 29, 2011, 04:35:57 AM
Hi Guys,

looked in FAQ and found this German site

    * I want to run FS in full screen, but have Plan-G open on a second monitor
      Normally, FS must be run in Windowed mode if you want to see the output of any other program. But user ruespe has written a freeware-program FS-SIMtimizer that - amongst other useful functions - makes it possible to fly in fullscreen mode on one monitor and have Plan-G open on the other. You can download it from here (site is in German, but you can use Google Translate etc to translate it).

tried to register so that I could get the FS-SIMtimizer but will not left me register, is there anybody that has this program and could supply a copy please.
Plan-G / Re: New Version 481
December 20, 2010, 10:10:55 AM
Thanks Tim, will do as you suggest now.
Plan-G / New Version 481
December 19, 2010, 11:15:12 PM
Hi guys,

I need some help please, I have already installed on my Vista 32bit system Plan-G ver, I have all of my FSx stuf on a seperate h/drive (D) this is also where I have ver 388 installed, Do I need to uninstal this version (388) b4 installing ver 481?

I do need to install it in my D Drive.

I have looked in Control Panel/Program & Featues and cannot find any entry for Plan-G, so how would I delete it if I need to?

Your expert help would be appreciated.

Regards wombat