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Messages - sloknar

Plan-G / Re: Show KML Information
January 15, 2017, 03:20:30 PM
Actually the files is on a google drive account :

Plan-G / Show KML Information
January 14, 2017, 04:53:45 PM
Hello everybody and thanks for your help.

I downloaded some days yet a .KML Files for display the frenchs départements.

Actually Plan-G display on the map somes red lines about the départements.

When i open the .KML file, i can see somes lines like :
   <ExtendedData><SchemaData schemaUrl="#departements_20140306_50m">
      <SimpleData name="code_insee">01</SimpleData>
      <SimpleData name="nom">Ain</SimpleData>
      <SimpleData name="nuts3">FR711</SimpleData>
      <SimpleData name="wikipedia">fr:Ain (d?partement)</SimpleData>

And now i would like know if it's possible to display the SimpleDataname "name" and "code_insee" for each département on the map.

i think this request is strange for you but, me and some friends lives in Belgium and France and we flight very often at this country.
It will be more easy for indicate the département to activate on our SceneryLibrary on Prepar3D

Thanks a lot
Best regards
