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Messages - Jt233

Plan-G / Re: Moving Map?
October 05, 2016, 10:37:30 PM
Quote from: tim arnot on October 03, 2016, 03:36:46 PM
Plan-G is aimed at VFR and "popup IFR" (of the "help, the weather's closed in and I need to get on the ground pronto" variety) flying. Which is not to say that you can't use it for "deliberate full fat IFR" if you want to, it's just that's not its focus, and there are plenty of other tools aimed specifically at big tin.

Having said that, you don't need a flight plan if you just want it to track your flight, it can do that. Plan-G will also write a breadcrumb file in .igx format (which can be read by a number of flight tracker programs)

There are some issues with map tile providers right now, limiting the availability of certain maps, but we're working on an update to resolve all that.

Thanks I got it working in way. I was able to do a flight in the pmdg 747 from Chicago to los angeles and track my flight along the way. However I tried making a couple of flights since then and the map works fine for a ltitle bit but then at some point during the flight there will be no map background and the map will either be  all white or say it cant display data at this zoom level. Even if I try closing and opening Plan G again it does not fix it. I have to restart my computer to get the Map background back.

Any ideas?

Plan-G / Moving Map?
October 03, 2016, 12:01:04 AM
Hello I have a second monitor I want to use to have a moving map when flying. Someone suggested I use Plan G to do this. The main thing for me is that I fly airliners and have heard that Plan G is better for GA. So my question is can I use Plan G just for the moving map or do I need to create a flightplan to use the moving map? I usually use simbrief for flight planning since I can get fuel loads and payload weights.
