Hi Folks
Tim -
Fedback on some minor issues. :D
Options -
Changing zoom level causes de-activated options
to become activated and display.
Now realise from reading your version change notes,
the Options settings are stored specifically for zoom-level.
Can this behaviour be optionally disabled please ?
Runway Dimensions & QNH/Altimiter -
Are set as tick boxes,
yet they're operating as radio buttons.
Mouse Cursor -
When Plan-G is busy
redrawning the map for selected options, (e.g. Airspaces),
would it be possible to change cursor to timer please ?
Norway CTA Class C -
Appears to extend well into where UK Scottish FIR should be.
Information -
Mouseover outside boundary areas
appears to be displaying information when cursor is outwith area.
Tim -
Fedback on some minor issues. :D
Options -
Changing zoom level causes de-activated options
to become activated and display.
Now realise from reading your version change notes,
the Options settings are stored specifically for zoom-level.
Can this behaviour be optionally disabled please ?
Runway Dimensions & QNH/Altimiter -
Are set as tick boxes,
yet they're operating as radio buttons.
Mouse Cursor -
When Plan-G is busy
redrawning the map for selected options, (e.g. Airspaces),
would it be possible to change cursor to timer please ?
Norway CTA Class C -
Appears to extend well into where UK Scottish FIR should be.
Information -
Mouseover outside boundary areas
appears to be displaying information when cursor is outwith area.