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Messages - sleepy_t

Well, I don't know why, but it is working with another plan, now. Seemed to be just a problem with this special plan. Thanks for your help and this great tool!
Already tried that. Via F6 or via settings, both times the aircraft remains invisible.
Hello everyone,

I have a problem with the moving aircraft marker and loading plg-flight plans. When I connected to Xplane before loading the plan and then load the flight plan, the yellow aircraft is no longer moving on the map. When I first load the plan, the yellow moving aircraft is not even displayed after connection. I've already tried with turning the aircraft on and off, moving the map, zooming, running Plan-G as administrator, ...
Funny thing is that the info bar at the bottom still works fine, I can see ETA, GS, direction and so on. But I can't see the moving plane anymore.

Any ideas why?
