
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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Messages - P7endragon

Plan-G / Re: Location of database files
December 03, 2016, 03:49:13 PM
Fair enough, I'd forgotten about the DEM files being manually downloaded. I'm still not convinced it's the best place, especially for files like PlanG3_FSX.sdf, but we can agree to disagree  :). At least now I know, I can exclude them from backups

Snippets / EGCC (Manchester) SID: MONTY1S and MONTY1Z
December 03, 2016, 12:03:30 AM
Taken from:

For aircraft leaving controlled airspace at MONTY (to the SW of the airport)

MONTY1S is for runway 05L departures
MONTY1Z is for runway 05R departures

Save this as a .snip file:

Plan-G / Location of database files
December 02, 2016, 10:55:18 PM
I notice that Plan-G is storing the database files that it builds from FSX etc in My Documents. Picking out a couple of the largest files, I've got:

  • \Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_FSX.sdf at 144 MB
  • \Plan-G Files\DEM\b10g at 99 MB
I'm not sure that these kind of generated application data are really supposed to be kept in "My Documents". My understanding of Microsoft's guidelines are that it would probably be more appropriate for these to be stored somewhere like %LOCALAPPDATA%. Having them where they currently are means that whenever anyone backs up everything in My Documents (not an unreasonable thing to do), they'd be including over 240 MB of unimportant data that can be easily regenerated. Looking at other filenames in there, I can see how files such as "UserWpts3.sdf" perhaps should be in My Documents (assuming, judging by the filename, that this is where waypoints I create manually get stored - a user would want those backing up)
Plan-G / Re: Test version
November 28, 2016, 08:26:05 PM
I love the airspace altitude filters, but I'm not certain that they're quite working properly...

At Leeds Bradford Airport (EGNM) there is controlled airspace up to 8500 (floors of SFC, 2500 and 3000). If I set the upper airspace altitude filter to 5000 (leaving the lower filter unchecked), all these control areas/zones disappear. I would have expected them to still be displayed since even though they extend above the filter, they still exist in part of the SFC - 5000 range I'm filtering on.

Similarly, if I set the lower airspace filter to 100 (and uncheck the upper filter), all the controlled airspace with a floor of SFC disappears, even though it extends upwards above 100 into the range I'm expecting to see.

Does that make sense?