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Messages - tocalloe1

Plan-G / Thank You!
December 31, 2009, 03:23:27 PM
I want to thank you all for your help and I hope everyone has a properous & healthy NEW YEAR!
Plan-G / Re: Help! :)
December 30, 2009, 03:56:15 PM
Thanks will try it there.... Will update
Plan-G / Re: Help! :)
December 29, 2009, 11:17:53 PM
Thanks Unfortunately I have the updated version 3.93 fsuipc installed I dont think this is it.
Plan-G / Re: Help! :)
December 29, 2009, 09:57:01 PM
okay when I disconnect and then reconnect the plane is placed in the current position where I am flying....but it does not move. I have to disconnect and reconnect again to see it advance to a different spot on the map (it does not move though).
I hope this helps
Plan-G / Re: Help! :)
December 29, 2009, 08:40:20 PM
nope that does not work.... sorry all I want to use this program for is just like the map inside fs2004. Just to see and follow where I at on the map currently.......
Plan-G / Re: Help! :)
December 29, 2009, 08:21:11 PM
the connect has greyed out and the disconnect is brighter and when i move my cursor over the disconnect button it changes to yellow. In the fs connection general     It connects with fsuipc. Fsdisplay is set to synch (user aircraft)  with trail marker on.  Here is my log txt:

9:19:22 AM FS9 is installed
9:19:22 AM FS9 database is built
9:19:22 AM Selected data set is FS9
9:19:29 AM Starting map
9:19:29 AM Initialisation complete.
9:19:36 AM RibbonButton_Click_ConnectFS
9:19:36 AM SimConnect.Connect
9:19:36 AM SimConnect.Connect - local
9:19:39 AM SimConnect Connect failed: BeatlesBlog.SimConnect.SimConnect+SimConnectException: Pipe Connection Failed ---> System.TimeoutException: The operation has timed out.
   at System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeClientStream.Connect(Int32 timeout)
   at BeatlesBlog.SimConnect.SimConnect.Networking.Connect()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at BeatlesBlog.SimConnect.SimConnect.Networking.Connect()
   at BeatlesBlog.SimConnect.SimConnect.OpenCommon(String strAppName)
   at BeatlesBlog.SimConnect.SimConnect.Open(String strAppName, String strHostName, String strPipeName)
   at BeatlesBlog.SimConnect.SimConnect.Open(String strAppName)
   at FS._SimConnect.Connect()
9:19:39 AM FSUIPC.Connect
9:19:39 AM Requesting Nearest WX to aircraft
9:19:39 AM Station is     
9:19:40 AM Requesting Nearest WX to aircraft
9:19:41 AM Station is     
9:19:50 AM New AI: B732 N979SW
9:19:51 AM New AI: CARJ N97265
9:19:53 AM New AI: B735 N97399
9:19:53 AM New AI: B733 N454SW
9:55:41 AM PlanG constructor
9:55:41 AM executableFolder: C:\Users\Default.Default-PC\Desktop\Joshua!\Plan-G
9:55:43 AM Starting Plan-G, build
9:55:43 AM FS9 is installed
9:55:43 AM FS9 database is built
9:55:43 AM Selected data set is FS9
9:55:49 AM Starting map
9:55:49 AM Initialisation complete.
9:57:41 AM UpdatePlanWeather testing IsConnected
9:57:51 AM DisplayFlightPlanDetail. MoveMap = False
9:57:51 AM No plan - erasing line
10:08:59 AM  DEBUG: removeAircraftOverlays
10:16:42 AM RibbonButton_Click_ConnectFS
10:16:42 AM FSUIPC.Connect
10:16:44 AM  DEBUG: Building encoded trail
10:16:44 AM Requesting Nearest WX to aircraft
10:16:44 AM Station is     
10:16:44 AM New AI: B733 N538SW
10:16:54 AM Requesting Nearest WX to aircraft
10:16:54 AM Station is     
11:18:13 AM PlanG constructor
11:18:13 AM executableFolder: C:\Users\Default.Default-PC\Desktop\Joshua!\Plan-G
11:18:17 AM Starting Plan-G, build
11:18:17 AM FS9 is installed
11:18:17 AM FS9 database is built
11:18:17 AM Selected data set is FS9
11:18:23 AM Starting map
11:18:23 AM Initialisation complete.
11:19:34 AM DisplayFlightPlanDetail. MoveMap = False
11:19:34 AM No plan - erasing line
11:20:10 AM AddAirportToPlan -1
11:20:10 AM Airport = KELP El Paso
11:20:10 AM DrawFlightPlan
11:20:10 AM DisplayFlightPlanDetail. MoveMap = False
11:20:10 AM Building lat/lon string for script
11:20:10 AM lats= 31.8066668137908
11:20:10 AM lngs= -106.377805620432
11:20:10 AM Setting window title
11:20:11 AM DrawFlightPlan done
11:20:11 AM UpdatePlanWeather testing IsConnected
11:20:11 AM UpdatePlanWeather done
11:27:08 AM RibbonButton_Click_ConnectFS
11:27:08 AM FSUIPC.Connect
11:27:09 AM  DEBUG: Building encoded trail
11:27:09 AM Requesting Nearest WX to aircraft
11:27:10 AM Station is     
11:27:10 AM RequestWeatherAt: KELP
11:27:10 AM Waiting for KELP
11:27:10 AM New AI: B735 N51639
11:27:28 AM Requesting Nearest WX to aircraft
11:27:28 AM Station is     
11:27:28 AM RequestWeatherAt: KELP
11:27:28 AM Waiting for KELP
11:27:28 AM Waiting for KELP
11:27:28 AM Waiting for KELP
11:27:28 AM Waiting for KELP
11:27:28 AM Waiting for KELP
11:27:28 AM Waiting for KELP
11:27:28 AM Waiting for KELP
11:27:28 AM Waiting for KELP
11:27:28 AM Waiting for KELP
11:27:28 AM Waiting for KELP
11:27:28 AM Waiting for KELP
11:27:28 AM Waiting for KELP
11:27:28 AM Waiting for KELP
11:27:28 AM DisplayFlightPlanDetail: checking weather
11:30:13 AM PlanG constructor
11:30:13 AM executableFolder: C:\Users\Default.Default-PC\Desktop\Joshua!\Plan-G
11:30:16 AM Starting Plan-G, build
11:30:16 AM FS9 is installed
11:30:16 AM FS9 database is built
11:30:16 AM Selected data set is FS9
11:30:22 AM Starting map
11:30:22 AM Initialisation complete.
11:30:46 AM DisplayFlightPlanDetail. MoveMap = False
11:30:46 AM No plan - erasing line
11:31:00 AM RibbonButton_Click_ConnectFS
11:31:00 AM FSUIPC.Connect
11:31:02 AM  DEBUG: Building encoded trail
11:31:02 AM Requesting Nearest WX to aircraft
11:31:02 AM Station is     
11:31:02 AM New AI: B735 N51639
11:31:02 AM Requesting Nearest WX to aircraft
11:31:02 AM Station is     
11:31:45 AM AddAirportToPlan -1
11:31:45 AM Airport = KELP El Paso
11:31:45 AM DrawFlightPlan
11:31:45 AM DisplayFlightPlanDetail. MoveMap = False
11:31:45 AM Building lat/lon string for script
11:31:45 AM lats= 31.8066668137908
11:31:45 AM lngs= -106.377805620432
11:31:45 AM Setting window title
11:31:45 AM DrawFlightPlan done
11:31:45 AM UpdatePlanWeather testing IsConnected
11:31:45 AM UpdatePlanWeather calling RequestWeatherForPlan
11:31:45 AM RequestWeatherAt: KELP
11:31:45 AM DisplayFlightPlanDetail: checking weather
11:31:45 AM RequestWeatherAt: KELP
11:31:45 AM UpdatePlanWeather done
11:35:55 AM Error calling FSUIPC: FSUIPC.FSUIPCException: FSUIPC Error #12: FSUIPC_ERR_SENDMSG. Error sending message to FSUIPC.
   at FSUIPC.FSUIPCConnection.Process(String GroupName)
   at FS.FSUIPC.RequestAircraftTelemetry(Boolean includePositionReport)
11:36:20 AM Error calling FSUIPC: FSUIPC.FSUIPCException: FSUIPC Error #12: FSUIPC_ERR_SENDMSG. Error sending message to FSUIPC.
   at FSUIPC.FSUIPCConnection.Process(String GroupName)
   at FS.FSUIPC.RequestAircraftTelemetry(Boolean includePositionReport)
11:36:44 AM Error calling FSUIPC: FSUIPC.FSUIPCException: FSUIPC Error #12: FSUIPC_ERR_SENDMSG. Error sending message to FSUIPC.
   at FSUIPC.FSUIPCConnection.Process(String GroupName)
   at FS.FSUIPC.RequestAircraftTelemetry(Boolean includePositionReport)
11:37:02 AM RibbonButton_Click_DisconnectFS
11:37:02 AM FSUIPC.Disconnect
11:37:02 AM  DEBUG: removeAircraftOverlays
1:15:08 PM PlanG constructor
1:15:08 PM executableFolder: C:\Users\Default.Default-PC\Desktop\Joshua!\Plan-G
1:15:10 PM Starting Plan-G, build
1:15:10 PM FS9 is installed
1:15:10 PM FS9 database is built
1:15:10 PM Selected data set is FS9
1:15:16 PM Starting map
1:15:16 PM Initialisation complete.
1:15:27 PM RibbonButton_Click_ConnectFS
1:15:27 PM FSUIPC.Connect
1:15:29 PM  DEBUG: Building encoded trail
1:15:29 PM Requesting Nearest WX to aircraft
1:15:29 PM Station is     
1:15:29 PM New AI: B732 N572SW
1:15:29 PM Requesting Nearest WX to aircraft
1:15:29 PM Station is     
1:18:17 PM RibbonButton_Click_DisconnectFS
1:18:17 PM FSUIPC.Disconnect
1:18:17 PM  DEBUG: removeAircraftOverlays
1:18:20 PM RibbonButton_Click_ConnectFS
1:18:20 PM FSUIPC.Connect
1:18:22 PM  DEBUG: Building encoded trail
1:18:22 PM Requesting Nearest WX to aircraft
1:18:22 PM Station is     
1:18:22 PM Requesting Nearest WX to aircraft
1:18:22 PM Station is     
Plan-G / Help! :)
December 29, 2009, 07:08:27 PM
Okay I am new but the yellow color plane is not moving on the map it is staying at the airport that I started from even though i have flown already from it... I am connected to fs2004. Am I missing something? I just want to follow my plane on the map. in plan-g... help help help!!!!