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Messages - rpowers46

That did it!Thank you very much,Ron
Yes,Sorry I meant 1920X1080p.System and video card are both set for 1920x1080.In search for airports window bottom line reads country,state city but ends there.Cannot get to scroll boxes underneath.Thanks for reply.Ron
I just installed new 40" Samsung 4k tv for monitor.Running in 1900 X 1020 res and everything is good except:IThe search for airport or navaid window does not expand enough to list country,states,city etc at bottom.Cannot drag borders to enlarge.Tool windows with airport info etc can be enlarged in normal way.Any suggestions?Thanks,Ron
Plan-G / Re: How to delete and rebuild the cfg. file?
October 26, 2017, 04:40:53 PM
Problem solved thanks to a post by Dempsey.I reset tool windows in 3.2.All good.
Plan-G / Re: No airort onfo on map
October 26, 2017, 04:39:10 PM
Dempsey,Problem solved!I just found one of your old posts."Reset tool windows" in 3.2.That is not option in 3.1 vers.Thanks,Ron
Plan-G / Re: No airort onfo on map
October 26, 2017, 04:11:28 PM
Just realized that trying to correct problem I uninstalled Plan G,reinstalled and rebuilt database.So if switching monitors etc caused the
problem wouldn't reinstalling correct it?Thanks,Ron
Plan-G / Re: How to delete and rebuild the cfg. file?
October 26, 2017, 04:10:03 PM
Just realized that trying to correct problem I uninstalled Plan G,reinstalled and rebuilt database.So if switching monitors etc caused the proble wouldn't reinstalling correct it?I hope someone can figure this out for me thanks,Ron
Plan-G / How to delete and rebuild the cfg. file?
October 26, 2017, 03:39:48 PM
I think I lost my plan and info windows when switching monitors and and settings See post from Tim "It's probably just moved the origin point off screen for that window (did you resize your screen?) Simplest thing is to open the cfg file and fix it there, or just delete it and let Plan-G build a new one. The location for the cfg file is in the readme (ProgramData\something - I'm not at my home desk to check)"How do I do this?Thankss,Ron
Plan-G / Re: No airort onfo on map
October 26, 2017, 03:36:07 PM
I see you posted to this also.Thanks,Ron " It's probably just moved the origin point off screen for that window (did you resize your screen?) Simplest thing is to open the cfg file and fix it there, or just delete it and let Plan-G build a new one. The location for the cfg file is in the readme (ProgramData\something - I'm not at my home desk to check)".   This may be problem with inf window also.
Plan-G / Re: No airort onfo on map
October 26, 2017, 03:30:45 PM
I just did a search and found an olp post same thing.Tim says it sounds like window size has been changed and info boxes are out side the screen.I just switched to a different monitor.He says to delete the cfg? and it will rebuild?Going back to post now.I will copy his quote.
Plan-G / Re: No airort onfo on map
October 26, 2017, 03:15:12 PM
I did make some minor changes in FSUIPC recently.Do not know if this problem started right after that or not.Cannot imagine what that would cause but you never know what can happen with a simple click of the mouse.
Plan-G / Re: No airort onfo on map
October 26, 2017, 05:08:22 AM
No,that is problem.I do not get a pop up box for plan,information or areodome.All other icons give me a pop up box.I uninstalled program,reinstalled and ran database.No help.I also have previous version still installed and it is doing same thing.Been trying to figure this out for hours.It was working fine.Do not know what I could have done to screw it up.Thanks,Ron >:(
Plan-G / Re: No airort onfo on map
October 25, 2017, 11:39:09 PM
All popup boxes except flight plan and information show up on map when I click on icons in ribbon.Reinstalled and updated data base.No luck.Please help.Thanks,Ron
Plan-G / Re: No airort onfo on map
October 25, 2017, 10:19:03 PM
Did what you suggested,Still cannot get info when scrolling over airport.Also now flight plan box does not show up on map view.Any other thoughts?Thanks,Ron
Plan-G / Re: No airort onfo on map
October 25, 2017, 05:19:16 AM
OK,Clicked on airport diagram and info and got the info. Used to get that when scrolling over AP on map with mouse.Did this change?Ron