
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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Messages - Lucas.Sichardt

Plan-G / Re: Navaid Class/Range
December 15, 2010, 03:24:47 PM
Thank you Tim!

I've just installed the new version and found the information about the range of each navaid incl. NDBs. Thanks very much for this. Your flight planner is the best one!


Plan-G / Re: Navaid Class/Range
December 09, 2010, 09:37:00 AM
Hello Tim,

thanks for that info. I'm looking forward to this - and as it should be implemented shortly I'm really surprised!

Thanks again!

Plan-G / PlanG and X-Plane
December 08, 2010, 06:41:45 PM
Hello Tim,

I have a perhaps stupid question:

I'm running PlanG with X-Plane - which is possible because there's a great X-Plane plugin called XPUIPC ( It emulated FSUIPC within X-Plane and PlanG workes very well with that configuration (did you know this?).

The only disadvantage: I have to use the FSX database because PlanG doesn't read it out of X-Plane.
I know it isn't your intention - but would you like to implement X-Plane by making it possible to read the X-Plane database? It would be great. But of course I don't know how difficult this would be to code...

Best regards,

Lucas Sichardt
Plan-G / Navaid Class/Range
December 08, 2010, 06:11:02 PM
Hello Tim,

I really like your great Plan-G. It is a good substitute for FSNavigator I was used to when still flying with FS2004. Almost everything can be found in your program and it's a great thing to have the normal Google Maps while flying VFR. You now know which village you're flying over.

But one thing is missing for me - and this would make Plan-G a full flight planning tool for me, the only flight planning tool to be honest. For IFR flights I'm missing some information about the range of radio navaids. In FSNavigator there was just the range information right next to the frequency. This feature would be great as it is a big difference between a NDB with 14nm range and a NDB with perhaps 37nm or more. Also it would be possible to show the classification of the navaid and one could then look up the aprox. range in the internet or something. But the first suggestion would be the best.
Perhaps you could include this in one of your next versions.

One remark: If this feature is already included I want to apologize - but I couldn't find this anywhere (I took more than just days to search for it).

Best regards and thanks for your work,

Lucas Sichardt